
How many here are tired of the United States and want to leave?

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How many here are tired of the United States and want to leave?




  1. Step outside of the US for a while..

  2. Unlike the democrats - I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN PROUD OF MY COUNTRY

    I served in the USMC and I love The USA

    If you want to leave, feel free and take the rest of the Socialist Demo-wit party faithful with you

  3. Me? No way. Are you here legally.....or illegally?

  4. Not I.

  5. I am thinking of not going to visit there anymore; their foreign policy has civilians even like me being interrogated like terrorists.

  6. Plenty of the wacky lefties here on YA are tired but they're also lazy.

    No, he CAN'T!!! No, he WON'T!!! '08

    No, she COULDN'T!!! No, she DIDN'T!!! '08

  7. Not me, I was born here and I'm happy and proud to live in the best country in this world.  For those that are "tired of the United States", don't let the door hit you in the @$$ on the way out!

  8. Please, don't let us stop you...

  9. none I know of.  I knowof millions trying to get in,

    Any one wanting one get a free one way ticket at

  10. There's at least 30 million here now that I wish would just leave.

  11. If your willing I'll drive you, it's getting too crowded here. Please keep in touch.

  12. Im tired of the US and i DONT live there. Pushy Bushy takeing over the world but only where the oil is. Funny that. Dont see him stopping the carnage Mugabe is subjecting his people to. Nothing in it for US i guess.


  13. If any of want to do so,  can we do a swap ?  I'd be delighted to leave the UK.

    If you think the USA has problems check out the UK.

    Ian M

  14. Well as we slip closer and closer to total socialism I am getting tired but where else could I go that would be better??

  15. I don't live in the US, however, I wouldn't go there even if I won a all-paid vacations in the best hotel of New York. The US is not a country I'm interested in visiting for three reasons: Their People, Their Foreign policy and the complete lack of culture in that country.

  16. I for one am not.. I love it here I get to say what I want and I love the people here. Its also a great place to raise a family if thats your thing and furthermore I don't know why anyone would disagree. But if you want to leave by al means there are literaly millions who would die to take your place.

    so in other words ......Don't let the door hit you on the way out !

  17. I get tired of the US sometimes, I'm a liberal, but I wouldn't live anywhere else. I've lived in many other countries, it was lovely but I love it here. I complain about many things in the US but that's an incentive to make things better. America treats me well, better than anywhere else I've ever been to..even if I have to pay New York taxes and live in a shoebox.

  18. Not me!  But to those who are....See Ya!!!!!

  19. Not me

    I own property

    In this market I'd get beaten up if I sold and tried to relocate

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