
How many here believe that a man should be considered the head of the family?

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1. yes or no

2. why




  1. A man can be the head of the family if he wants to, as long as he can find a women that lets him be the head of the family.

    Women can also be the head of the family if they want to, providing that they can find a man that will let them be the head of the family.

    Traditional family lifestyle is not for everyone though.

    Personally i think both genders should be the head of the family, two "leaders" is better then one.

  2. Any person, male or female, who is not self-determining is either under 12 years old or is mentally impaired somehow, either cognitively or emotionally.  It is unnatural and unhealthy to suppress or relinquish the rise of our own Consciousness and Free Will.  For there to be a true covenant of love, there must an egalitarian synergy or "greater-than-the-sum-of-the-parts" balanced mutually-benefitting reaction occurring between the Consciousnesses of both people.  So-called "marriages" that have a "head" of the family are not covenants of love.  They are Master / Slave moralities- based domestic arrangements, no better than slavery in level of enlightenment.  The "head of the family" concept is a fascist construct of imposing the vision and Will of just one "special" privileged person onto all others and to use all others to serve as pawns to exploit and feel entitled to servitude from.  That's like REALLY sick.  NO child should be raised in a home that disturbed.  These aren't the Dark Ages anymore.  

    Any person who chooses to bring a child into the world must be self-sufficient.  I believe it should be a crime to have a baby and be unable to show means of self-support.  Wait until you have to pay a third of your earnings on taxesto pay for basic social services that you and I and our society provides children and unemployable mothers in our land.  You'll get pretty tired in a hurry of paying for other girl's decisions to be "submissive" women.  

    As a tax-payer and feminist, I have absolutely no respect whatsoever for the woman who chooses to cheapen herself in anyway, chooses to do a half-a@s job in school and miss out on a rational education, who takes the easiest courses, who let's daddy mow the lawn because nasty sweaty work might break a nail, who violates herself by sleeping around and not protecting herself from abuse, unwanted pregnancy and getting an STD, who spends all of her passion and intelligence on shaping herself to be attractive to men and the fairy-tale Prince Charming meal-ticket in which she doesn't have to grow up but can be "taken care" of by a daddy forever, so, why read a book?

    A woman who would be a mother MUST, in these precarious modern post-industrial economic times, possess the self-determination and rational Free Will to rise within herself and empower herself with education and critical-thinking skills in order to be able to financially support properly her children by herself if the need arises.  If the institution of "family" is supposed to be about the principle of how we should best rear our young, it is "Pro-Family" ONLY if a mother is self-determining and self-sufficient.  The synergy that arises from true covenants of love and egalitarian mutuality depends on BOTH partners having and exercising Free Will.

  3. No. Because being born with an XY chromosome and a p***s does not make a person a leader.

    Parents, as a team, should head the household as a partnership.

  4. Whoever is the most competent. I don't care for duumvirates.

  5. No

    Because a marriage is a partnership and a partnership indicates co leaders.


  6. If you feel a need to ask such a silly question & the way you 'talk back' to elders here, it's clear fundamentals have gone awry in your 'family unit' [your situation].... Perhaps you're 15. you have MUCH, much to learn li'l girl......

  7. I don't believe that a man 'should' be considered the head of the family, but some people are happier that way.  I certainly am, things ahve improved no end between my husband and i since we adjusted our relationship slightly in this manner.  Equal relationships bore me.

    it's one of those things where a couple need to work out what suits them.  There are a lot of women who crave this kind of relationship and are frustrated because they can't get it.  And there are evidently a lot of men who are bewildered and dismayed because they find themselves married to women who want this dynamic in their lives, and they can't provide it.  TIH and DD groups are full of frustrated women complaining that their husbands can't or won't take on the role of head of the family.  They crave something that they can't have, and it's very sad for all concerned.  I feel sorry for the women and for the men.

    Discovering that you want this kind of relationship can have a disastrous effect on some relationships, because it unleashes desires in women who are with men who are inadequately equipped to cope.  Those of us who discover these desires within ourselves and are married to men who actually can cope, are very lucky.  We have much to be thankful for.

    And, contrary to what the comment above suggests, it has aboslutely nothing to do with whether the woman works or not.  Some of the most submissive women that I know of are high-powered career women who are happy to relinquish power at home.  And many stay-at-home wives have no interest whatsover in having their husbands in charge.  These two things are entirely seperate issues.

  8. 1. No

    2. Because it should be a team effort, it shouldn't be one person running the whole show.

    3. I'm a girl

  9. The man should always be over the woman. It is just nature. Marriage is an institution and every institution needs authority. There is no authority in a "partnership". Usually in a "partnership" type of marriage the woman assumes the authority, and this usually results in a disfunctional home. If a woman is not ready to accept a man's authority, she isn't ready for marriage.

  10. How do you define head?

  11. Yes. Because a marriage is a partnership and each partner should play the part that they are best suited for,

    Men tend to earn more and they can work for longer because they retire later and don't need to take time off to have children. This makes the man the logical choice as the breadwinner (He can usually bring home more bread). A man's physical size and temperament also makes him a better choice as a defender for the home.

    Whereas a woman is firstly able to bear children and secondly is better equipped to raise them. She is more level headed, more patient and has a better emotional range that makes her the logical choice for managing the home.

    Therefore once you split these two roles down (the man is the protector and the provider and the woman is the maintainer) the role that the man occupies is the role that can be classified as the head.

    Coincidentally, this also makes him responsible for all of the messy sweaty smell tasks that no woman should have to be bothered about.

  12. Yes. Man is always the leader and provider.

  13. 1. No

    2. I believe in equality......if my husband was the head of the household that would make me inferior to him.

  14. It should be a equal responsibility,

    but tradition say the man is the "head" of the household, it doesn't really mean that he is anymore.

    Also it goes back to a time when the "man of the house" would take care of and look after "the lady of the house"

    Times have changed, but sayings and traditions take time to change.

  15. I'll make the assumption that the male is qualified to hold the position, and fulfills all the requirements of 'head' of the household (good provider, sound judgement, fair and honest, etc).  If he meets those qualifications then, yes, he can and should be.  Its a natural fit for a man, and is usually happiest in that role.  It benefits all parties when that is the case...

    Edit:  Shady???  How do you see this as shady?  You've asked for an opinion, and I've provided mine - without criticism or sarcasm.  I don't see that as shady...

    And yes, women can be effective in the role, but you asked if a man should be considered the head of the household, and I qualified that, if he is effective, then yes - he should be.  And I stand by this....I think it makes most men happy in that role, and I guess I'm a person who likes to see my husband happy!  Sue me!

    EDIT:  Silly me....I just read your bio and saw that you are a freshman in highschool.  So full of idealism and great theory.  Perhaps you should live another 20 years, live with a man you respect, and then get back to us.  Until then - good luck.

  16. 1. No.

    2. A family is not a corporation; all the adults deserve an equal say.

    3. Female.

  17. Yes i do believe the man should be the head of his household.. it doesnt mean that i cantttt run it too. but he needs to be a man, he needs to be able to provide for his family... and take care of us.. yes i will help 2.. yes, i will win some arguments and do everything he does to. Yes i will make money and provide for the family as well. yes, i will be allowed to have the final say about jane jr wanting to go to the dance on friday. But being a women, and a godly one. The man is supposed to step up and take on head responsilitiy it does not mean that we as women cant or wont do it.. it meannsss that he needs to have the inaititive to do it. He is after all a man.. and to many women now-a-days use the phrase... grow up! and be a man! so stop sayin that if its not what you want.

    P.S. a smart women lets a man thinkkkk he is in total control.. not necessarily always true..

    Im a lady~

  18. Yes, he should be the head of the house and he is the head of the house; everything I have in this house has been provided by him.  Why because that's the way I like it.

    Edit: <sneers> take you comment and shove it where the sun don't shine.

    Edit: Female if it's all the same to you.

    Edit: And if you don't mind when you cut me down you cut "Sam" down and I will kindly ask you to stop it.  You asked so I told you; you don't like the answer don't ask the question.

    Edit: We take care of each other if it's all the same to you. A concept your feministic mind does not fathom is you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours; try it sometime.

  19. 1. In general, yes.

    2. My husband and I are a team. Sometimes I make the decisions, sometimes he does. I would say our "power" is divided 50/50. But I do still see him as the head of our household.

    3. Female

  20. If a man and a woman have decided to call the man the "head of the family" in their relationship, that's fine. Do what you want, and who am I to tell them how to live their lives? I most certainly do not understand them one bit, but I don't recall them asking my opinion.

    On that same note, who is to tell me how I should live my life, and tell me how my relationship should be? My boyfriend most certainly is not the head of our relationship. We are two adults who are in an equal partnership. This is how we both want it to be, and we're both happy with this arrangement. So anyone who tells me, and even him that because he is the man that he needs to be the "head of the family" can shove it.

  21. no, no, no!

    no one will rule over me.

    we will be partners - make decisions together, work together, cooperate

    down with patriarchy!


  22. 1.) NO!!!!

    2.) i would hate having someone to make all my descisions for me!!.. but then again, i'd feel dumb making all the descisions...i would rather just work together! you know, as a team! =)

    3.) i'm a female

  23. Both should be head of household but for those couples who wants only one captain so to speak it should be whoever makes the best decisions should head of household.

    There are some women who would be better suited. Theres also men who is better suited.

    Just depends on the couple on how they want it to be.

    What works for one may not work for another.

  24. I am astonished how many females here still step back, thinking the man should be the head of the family.

    In a society of equal chances it should be just as well natural to demand that the woman should be in charge in the relationship or marriage.

    Since women are scoring much better in nearly all fields of education today, they will (at an average) get the better paid and more responsible jobs in future, outearning their partners. So it would make sense if in a majority of future relationships and marriages the woman is the head of the family. Our society is rapidly changing.

  25. In my family it's always been the woman at the head of the house.

  26. 1. Only if he is the sole provider, and even then only in financial matters

    2. I think the person who's earning the money has a right to decide how to spend it. Otherwise, well, the whole meaning of a family is two people living together as a team. If the woman does household chores she has a perfect right to make decisions related to that and any other family matter like how to handle kids.

    3. Female

  27. No.  It is important to set an example for your children.  The mother and father should have equal leadership in the family.  You wouldn't want your daughter learning from you that the man is the boss and the leader.. or your son for that matter.

  28. Whoever is more responsible and is the dominant in the relation.

    Two dominants don't work, because there will be a lot of arguing delaying decisions.

    Two submissive don't work because they will be afraid of making though decisions. Again delaying the decisions.

    A irresponsible dominant wont work either. As it will be blaming the submissive. When in reality, if the dominant makes the decisions is his/her responsibility.

    A ship must only have one captain or it will sink. The captain listen to the sailors and don't make decisions out of the blue, But at the end the final word comes from the Captain.

  29. 1. Yes and No.

    2. Depends on the character of the man. If he is honest, capable, sincere, trustworthy, and caring, then why not? Not every man is cut out to be a head of a household. Some are to selfish to do what it takes. You can't do certain things that will ruin your relationship with your wife and expect to be followed. Basically, you can't have your cake and eat it to, you can't be selfish. Some men can do this, some can't. It's really about a partnership, no 2 people can lead at the same time and expect for things to run smoothly. You have to give in or compromise.

    3. Female. :)

  30. Who ever pays for all the **** should be the head of the house hold.

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