
How many hillary voters will support a woman who denies abortion for rape victims?

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and every other abortion-no exceptions........who knows.....

mccain is going after the hillary voters who wanted a female in office.....palin is hardcore against abortion, and im guessing no more than 200 hillary voters would consider this ridiculous manuever




  1. Okay, first do you know how hard it is to get pregnant from something as violent as rape? That "what if" is very small. Second, do you know how many people are out there that can't have children that would adopt a baby in a second? Why can't we give life a chance? How are we to know what potential that life has just because it was born from unfortunate circumstances. I'm sick of pro-choicers saying we pro-lifers are insensitive and controling. We feel for these women, but we feel for the baby too. Every baby should be given a chance.

    There def. needs to be reform. There needs to be more services in place for these victims, unwed mothers, teenage mothers, and other women who don't want their baby. I don't want to see a dumpster baby ever again, but I don't want to avoid that unpleasantry by killing the baby earlier. I want women to feel secure with themselves and their choice to not keep the baby, but to still have the baby and place it in the care of another.  


  3. I'm thinking only those who were voting gender--not as many who were voting issues.  Women are smarter than McCain gives them credit for being.

  4. The Hillary supporters are coming over in droves. Turn on the TV. Dems. are in a panic.

  5. McCain isn't going after the Hillary supporters with his pick, he trying to get the hard line conservatives fired up for him, and it seems to be working to a certain extent.  

  6. Hopefully none.

  7. McCain chose Palin because he thinks she would be most suitable for the job and apparently outside the vicious circle of corrupted politicians.

  8. umm i haven't been able to find anything supporting palins "pro rape abortion" stance (because she is not), on the contrary; she is dead fast against it.

  9. You just proved that McCain is NOT going after Hillary supporters.  She was picked because she's a good leader, not because of her gender.  Read your question again.  (And he calls us stupid and chauvinistic. Duh.)

  10. Well I think Palin does support rape victim abortions, although she  is pro-life. Check up on that.

    Hillary is my gal.  Hillary is all about her policies and her party... that is what is important to her… and if you are a strong believer in Hillary you would know she would not accept anything less than you voting for Obama.

    I'm not voting McCain and Palin, BUT let's be fair.  Give Sarah the chance she deserves to debate first, ok?

  11. No matter what the circumstances, abortion is wrong!

  12. You are assuming that a lot of Hillary supporters are dumb enough to believe that Roe v. Wade is actually going to be overturned.

    And that they are dumb enough to think that even IF it was, that abortion would be made illegal.

    The Democrats think that women are dumb.

    They keep using this as a scare tactic.

    The worse thing is that Obama has promised that, if elected, he will sign legislation making it impossible for States to pass ANY laws placing ANY restrictions on ANY of the so-called "right to choose" issues of NARAL and Planned Parenthood, such as parental notification.

    That means that your 14-year old daughter can get an abortion WITHOUT your CONSENT.

    She can get birth control pills from the school nurse but still need a note from you for tylenol.

    The GOP can't and won't end abortion.

    There are Democrats and Republicans who think it is wrong.

    Who in the world thinks it's OK to kill a baby?

    Are you kidding?

    We shouldn't even be talking about this.

    It's not the government's business.

  13. None, none of her true supporters want a return to the bad old days, and this Hillary supporter is insulted that a man would think that one woman is the same as the other and that the issues wouldn't matter as long as we have a uterus in office.

    Shame on the Republicans.

    Maybe their ladies are that stupid, but independents and Democrats arent', he won't get any of that vote now.

    Palin is against abortion in cases of rape or incest, she says every baby concieved should be born.

    Imagine your wife is raped, and now shes pregnant, she spends nine months carrying a child and you want her to give it up and she wants to keep it, or she does give it up an mourns and worries a lifetime if the baby will reappear, or if its criminal father has left a stain on the child and the child will have a criminal future,  or lets say the rapist sees a reason to haunt his victim and continue to harass her, he has that right, he is the father.  He can take her to court for visitation.  Nice.

    How about a twelve year old pregnant by incest?  Want her tiny body to bear a child even if it kills her?

    There are good homes for adoption for babies of nice white college kids who get knocked up, but not for the thousands of mixed heritage kids who live their whole lives out of suitcases in foster care, live in the real world and you find this out quickly.

    And as for rape not leading to pregnancy,  its biology not romance and thats an amazingly stupid thing to say in todays violent world.

  14. Aside from her politics and conservative beliefs, I think many undecided Hillary supports are insulted to believe that the Republican party thinks they can get away with it.  

  15. Very very few

  16. Hillary didn't get my vote due to gender alone.  Palin won't get my vote simply due to her gender.

  17. you libs just don't get it....if someone believes that abortion is can you compromise??...if you believe the Word of God, and believe that EVERY human conceived is a gift from God and has a purpose on this earth, then how can you compromise and pick and choose who dies and who lives??....the problem with you libs is that you're life is ruled by emotion and self....YOU are god...YOU say when life begins and ends...YOU have the arrogance to be able to dispose of the most innocent and defenseless of us all JUST for your selfish convenience!!!.....I APPLAUD Sarah Palin for not swaying to the pressure..for sticking to her convictions and standing up for what she believes in....I wish we had MORE politicians like that in DC instead of the ones we have now , especially on the democrat side that just says what is expedient at the moment for the crowd they are talking to....and then you all say we need "change" people are laughable!!!

  18. McCain is dumb enough to think that he will now get women to come to his side in droves simply because he has a female VP.

    Any Hillary supporter would be just as equally dumb if not dumber to fall for this ploy.

  19. Well I am not a Hillary supporter, but I do supporter the right of all women to be treated with decency and respect. We will now finally have a voice in the White House.

    John McCain heard the voice of all women through those who supported Hillary. When they did that to Hillary they alienated all woman.

    By the way she is more qualified than the one the Dem's chose for the wrong reason.

    I Thank GOD.

  20. >>mccain is going after the hillary voters who wanted a female in office<<

    Yes, because that's the only reason anyone would choose a woman for anything, right? That's the only thing women are good for -- attracting women voters, right? No woman could possibly be chosen for anything else, like her anti-pork and anti-corruption record, right?

  21. How many Democrats will realize the President does NOT "make law" and CAN'T overturn Roe V Wade.....   and the VP is even LESS powerful?

    d**n those old men in Philadelphia were smart.......

  22. none.  

  23. She doesn't deny abortion for rape victims. You'd sound a lot smarter if you at least attempted to cite your lies.

  24. A stunningly stupid choice if the goal is to woo the Hillary voters. It's more like a slap in the face to pro-choice women. It's a move to pacify the religious right and family values voters while being able to tout having a woman on the ticket. A woman McCain probably didn't know existed last month.

  25. That's so sad. I really hope Hilary voters aren't fooled by this. It's obvious McCain thinks women will vote for him just because of Palin, I hope they don't and realize that both Palin and McCain don't care about a woman's rights.

  26. If they care about anything more than the fact that she's a woman. Sadly, too many people make a huge deal out of their demographic and lots of women will vote for McCain simply because his VP choice was a woman.  

  27. Your statement is insane. Lets say a woman is raped, and becomes pregnant. Who's fault is that? THE RAPIST! Not the child. You lknow there are alternatives to abortion! Ever heard of adoption? YEAH! Thats a word pro-choice people seem to hate with the passion. Abortion is infanticide. Its murder! You cannot abort a child and have peace of mind. I personally know a couple of people who have done this. And lets say the regret it very much. They where not rape victims just unwanted pregancy. But they have many regrets.

  28. Probably the same proportion that will support Obama and the right to scramble the brains of a viable infant as a form of recreational birth control.

  29. probably the type that realizes two wrongs don't make a right.

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