
How many home schoolers does it take to change a light bulb?

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How does a homeschooler change a lightbulb?

First, mom checks three books on electricity out of the library, then the kids make models of light bulbs, read a biography of Thomas Edison and do a skit based on his life.

Next, everyone studies the history of lighting methods, wrapping up with dipping their own candles.

Next, everyone takes a trip to the store where they compare types of light bulbs as well as prices and figure out how much change they'll get if they buy two bulbs for $1.99 and pay with a five dollar bill.

On the way home, a discussion develops over the history of money and also Abraham Lincoln, as his picture is on the five dollar bill.

Finally, after building a homemade ladder out of branches dragged from the woods, the light bulb is installed.

And there is light.




  1. None!

    When the lights go out... poor Mom takes it as a sign from the Lord that she needs a rest.... She puts the kids in for a nap ( even the teenagers) and enjoys a bit of "her" time.


  2. That is my husband and daughter 100%.

    I juist change the bulb.

  3. At our house...

    Day One: Light bulb goes out.

    Day Two: Mom notices it.

    Day Five: Teenage daughter glances up at it WITH MOM IN THE ROOM, then glances away quickly so as to not get told to change it.

    Day Eleven: Dad notices it is out and says he will need to get the stepladder from the garage to change it, but first needs to go to Walmart to get one of those expensive twirly energy-saving bulbs.

    Day Eleven, 2 minutes after Dad leaves the room: Mom saves a trip to Walmart and the garage by having a kid change the lightbulb.

  4. None those you can't do teach...

  5. Hahaha...very true!!

  6. LOL, this is so true! It seems everything in our lives is a learning opportunity sometimes! My kids have often said (more when we first started out), "Mom, can school be over for a while?" In other words, "just change the light bulb!" I have learned so much along side my kids since we started this adventure. It has its ups and downs, but we wouldn't change it for anything!


  7. LOL! That was good

  8. So true! Lol

  9. lol

    It DOES sound like KONOS.  I love homeschooling!

  10. Sounds like Konos curriculum.  Bravo.  I'd say the answer would be one or more.  By the way, did you get to Power Station and see the step down units?

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