
How many homeowners have been denied claims by NationWide and how do they get away with it??

by Guest59908  |  earlier

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Several Katrina victims have reported that NationWide, after almost a year, denied their homeowners claims. NationWide knows that they don't have the money to appeal. They really know how to kick you when your down. The sign should read "NationWide NOT on your side"




  1. You don't NEED money to appeal.  You only need to write a letter to your state insurance commissioner.

    Homeowners policies where the damage was caused by FLOOD, should be denied.  Homeowners policies don't cover flood.

    Wind claims, it's up to the individual policy.

    But Katrina was three year ago.  It's time to move on, one way or another.  It's too late now, to do anything - that statute of limitations has expired.

    Katrina victims cannot go on being "victims" their entire life.  No, they're not entitled to free rents in Houston any more.  It's been three flipping years!  

    Bad stuff happens.  Bad stuff happens to everyone.  Sometimes it's not fair.  Deal with it, and move on the best you can.

  2. For awhile I was trained in handling claims for our company. The three basic things I learned right from the start are:

    1. Deny.

    2. Deny.

    3. Deny.

    Eventually, the claimants get tired of fighting and the majority will drop the claim. That's what they all hope for and statistics prove it. Doesn't matter what type of insurance it is, either. Remember, a business is in business to make money, not pay it out.  They'll do everything and anything not to pay a dime out even though you deserve it, legally, ethically and morally. Most folks don't have the money, time or patience to fight them, either. Insurance is one of the biggest scams in the modern world.

  3. Find a public adjuster, no cost to you unless they win a settlement from the carrier on your behalf.  They work faster, cheaper, and much more efficient than attorneys.

  4. They give you a reason for denial of claim.  What was the reason they gave you?

  5. That depends on if the homes were destroyed by wind or flood or both. Homeowners policies do not cover flood damage. That has to be underwritten seperately.

    Nationwide agents are now required to offer flood coverage, and if the insured declines the coverage, he/she has to sign the declination.

    It doesn't cost anything to appeal a claim that was denied. The insured can make a written complaint to the state Dept. of Insurance (Insurance Commissioner's office). Also, send a copy of the complaint letter to the insurance company.

    The insurance company must give the insured the reason they denied the claim.

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