
How many homes can be on a tract of agricultural land? Does it matter if they are all family??

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How many homes can be on a tract of agricultural land? Does it matter if they are all family??




  1. State, county and cities all regulate land use.  Start by going to your local planning department.  They can advise you what regulations apply to the land in question.

  2. Depends on your county.  Every county has a bunch of elected bozos that decide what you can and can't do with your land.  The acre size and what you can build will vary with each county.  The placement of a sewer system and your home to property lines will vary too.  Go to your county zoning office to get the rules.

  3. If you live in the US, you'll need to contact your county zoning office to find out how your land is zoned.  Also, another consideration is waste water disposal.  If you're using a septic system, you'll need to find out how well your soil perculates to figure out how many houses can be accomodated by the soil conditions.

  4. It is to late to think about what you think of.

    Good luck stranger. GMO's are cross pollinating with organic crops. No one plants the old varities anymore.

    All I can say is, never give up.

  5. It's hard to say for sure, not knowing where you are from, but where I farm there are no restrictions on the number of houses that you can build.  Also no restrictions on who lives in them.

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