
How many hour from tijuana to acupulco??

by  |  earlier

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plz i need help!!=]




  1. Close to 20 hrs

  2. I would consider NOT driving; Acapulco is just North of Guatamala, a long ways away...many may tell you it is 10-20 hrs drive but a flight is safer and quicker.

    Then you have to DRIVE BACK after a vacation; the driving time alone takes near 40 hrs...thats a work week driving ...

    Spend the $ on the flight; you CAN  fly out of Tijauna for alot cheaper than boarding a flight in SF or SanDeigo or San Jose, Calif. Fly from  TJ and save $$$

  3. i think it is like 14 hours to 18 hours

  4. Your looking at about a solid 10 hour ride. Take the main highway and pay the tolls. Its quicker and safer.

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