
How many hours a day do children who get home schooled get taught?

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We are looking into hiring a private tutor for my daughter. She will be taught at home. How many hours a day should we expect her to be taught, and how many weeks per year?

Links would be GREAT!





  1. Well when I home scholled my self I just worked whenever I wanted like 3 a.m. sometimes whatever works for you just so long you know the material.

  2. I worked 4 hours a day. I finished my 3 classes in 2 months

  3. Well I'm in highschool and work mostly independently with some video lessons and some teaching from mom when I need it. For the past three years I did school for a maximum of four and a half hours per day, usually more like three or four. This year I'm enrolled in an early admission program at a near by college and doing less school work at home, so my homeschooling takes closer to three hours.  

  4. How long is a bit of string?

    Sorry but there are just as many answers to your question as that. Personally I 'teach' myself and we have no school hours or school days so one could argue that, for me and my siblings, we're taught for either 0 hours a day or 24 hours, depending on your point of view.

    Really it depends on:

    i) how old you're daughter is; everyone'll have a different idea but if you're going to go for formal lessons, I'd go no more than 30 minutes/day in year 1 through to maybe 4 hours in year 12.

    There's no way you need to go for the whole 6 hours as they do in schools, even our local education board tells homeschoolers that their lessons should be taking considerably less time than classes in school (no administrative tasks, no 'housekeeping', no waiting for others to arrive/settle down/shut up/find books/get organised/go to the loo etc etc).

    ii) Her interests and abilities: how wide a curriculum are you planning to use?

    iii) your chosen mode of homeschooling

    iv) your homeschooling routine: are you/she planning to homeschool five days a week? Or more? Or less? Nine months a year? Six months a year? Or all year round?

    Really there is no one easy answer to the question 'how many hours a day?'. There's no 'right' or 'wrong' way to homeschool and no set standards or expectations. There are as many ways to homeschool as there are families doing it...and every single homeschooling family will be doing what works best for them in their personal circumstances, best suits their own personal and educational philosophies, best fits in with their whole lifestyle, way of life, their other activities etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

  5. This would depend upon her grade/age. Starting at k-I would say about 2 hours. A standard school year is 36 weeks depending on your state. If you get a good curriculum, it is very easy to teach them yourself up until upper level mathematics and  sciences. You might want to give it a try. Sonlight is very user friendly-everything is laid out for you each day so you won't have to plan everything.

    Or you could opt for a online virtual school where they give you all the books and it would be similar to helping her with her homework. check here for free programs in your state http://takecontrolofyoureducation.blogsp...

    Best of Luck!


  6. well, in our state is says we only have to teach him 5 hours, BUT since Im his teacher, I have use study close to 6-7, ONLY because he asks to do more!

    I also do what they call "Unschooling", (didnt knowthat until a couple days ago) but we pick & chose his textbooks, & thenwhen we get what his needed, he gets to pick 3 studies he wants to do. This year hes chosen to do computers, photography, & then he's chosen comic book drawing.

    But I do know that the 2 types of text books, my son loves alot is Abeka, & Scots Foresman.

    H ope this helps out

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