
How many hours a day do you draw, or would spending drawing if you had the time?

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How many hours a day do you draw, or would spending drawing if you had the time?




  1. i would spend 3 hours if i could.

    btw im 12 =D

  2. I don't do it every day but it ranges from an hour to three hours.

  3. It depends on how dedicated you are. When I was very young, I used to spend every available minute drawing.

    These days, I draw many hours in one sitting and then leave it for weeks on end.


  4. It honestly depends on inspiration for me. If i feel something that just overtakes me i pounce on a sketchpad and draw till i feel like i've expressed what needs to be said. I've have a tendency to lose track of time very easily because i dive deep into my art, perfecting every detail. So i've spent the majority of a day just drawing or painting away.

    I'm just starting my college career in arts so i'm trying to get down a regular pattern so my quality/quantity ratio evens out a bit. That's what the teachers like and it's gotten me A's for the last 5 years.

    On my free time however, i would forsake eating just to draw.

  5. not as much recently since it's the holidays but when I'm at college/doing projects it's normally about 8 hours worth lol

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