
How many hours a week is average at a UK sixth-form college?

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I want to do 4 A-levels at college, but I haven't had my timetable yet. How many hours a week will I be doing?




  1. i dont know about at other schools but at mine they do a 5th AS level to fill up your timetable. I am going into upper 6th form in a fortnight and last year i had 4 free lessons a week (with 6 lessons a day). so it was 8.50-3.20 x5 -4 lessons whatever that comes out to be. if u want i will work it out.

    50 mins a lesson, 6 lessons per subject = 1200mins of lessons = 20 hours. if you add the 5th AS and tutor lessons and sport and anything else you might do you're looking at over 24hours.

  2. Generally four hours of actual lessons a day (an hour per subject) and whatever's left of the timetabled day will be frees, or you may be required to do something else. We were required to do one hour of RE and one of citizenship a week for six weeks.

  3. if ur doing 4 you would be looking at atleast 20 hours min

  4. Usually it is 20 hours per week.

    Some sixth forms do vary, but you will usually do an hour of each A level subject per day, 5 times a week.

    You will probably have a 'free period', in this time you may be expected to help run a club for KS3 + KS4 students at the school, you might be asked to help a teacher with cleaning the classroom or you could simply be allowed to go home early, or hang around with friends in the common room.

    Have fun and good luck!

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