
How many hours are in a day?

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people say 24 hours for simplicity i suppose, but technically, how long is a day? This is the reason why we have a leap year as well. Best answer to whoever gets it right the 1st...or if nobody gets it right at all, best answer to the cleverest.




  1. i think it is 13 hours....

    6:30 am until 7:30pm


  2. 23 Hours

    56 Minutes

    4 Seconds

    According to wikipedia

  3. The clock says 24 hours.  I live by the clock.

  4. first light usually "appears" at around 5.30am (in any Season) and usually becomes `last/fading light at around 6.30pm.

    so , it would seem that a day = approx. 13 hours.

    night is not `day , so it cannot be included with-in the Terminology......only the Time-frame of a 24 hour Period is known as a Calendar "day" we can know when to sleep , work , play , party , etc..etc.       :>)

  5. Someone has already given the length of an average day.

    The reason we have the leap year is because New Year's represents the day that the earth is closest (in its orbit) to the sun.  

    Also, leap years DO NOT take place in century years (years ending with two zeros) that are not divisible by 4. 1800, and 1900 were not leap years. 2000 was a leap year.  

    By the was, 1700 was a leap year.  The inaccuracy went

    on for centuries beforehand.  It was corrected in September 1752 when we went from the Julian Calendar to the Gregorian.

    This is an accurate calender of September 1752:

    September 1752  

    Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa

    *********1  2   14 15 16

    *1718 19  20  21 22 23

    *24 25 26 27  28 29 30

    Notice the twelve days missing.

    The asterisks are only to insure correct placement of the numerals.

    The Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church still does not

    recognize the Gregorian Calender.

  6. 24 hours in a day that means 168 hours in 1 week

  7. Average is 23 hours 56 mins 4.096 secs or however long it takes the earth to make one full rotation.The period with respect to the vernal point (the equinox of Spring) is slightly smaller: 23 hours 56 minutes and 4.088 seconds (the sidereal day).

  8. 24

  9. Hi,

    It is a very good question, first every fourth year leap year comes in that time in a day 24 hrs and 15 .2seconds. almost 3 years mines the 15.2 seconds. I think its wright.

    Thanks & Regards,


  10. 23.928 hours

  11. 23 Hours

    56 Minutes

    4 Seconds

  12. I am not too clever you know, but I have been wishing this day would go fast because I am sick from drinking and partying. What about 12 hours in a day. from 6am until 6pm .. that is my are you anyway Mel this fine old day.. where the h**l is Sharkey ninja boy..?

  13. 24.7 or something like that

    its in my science notes, but im in bed right now

  14. Each day is exactly 23 hours 56 mins 4.096 secs

    A leap year is a year in which an extra day is added to the calendar in order to synchronize it with the seasons. Since the tropical year is 365.242190 days long, a leap year must be added roughly once every four years (four times the fractional day gives ). In a leap year, the extra day (known as a leap day) is added at the end of February, giving it 29 instead of the usual 28 days.

    Why are leap years needed?

    Leap years are needed to keep our calendar in alignment with the earth's revolutions around the sun.


    The vernal equinox is the time when the sun is directly above the Earth's equator, moving from the southern to the northern hemisphere.

    The mean time between two successive vernal equinoxes is called a tropical year–also known as a solar year–and is about 365.2422 days long.

    Using a calendar with 365 days every year would result in a loss of 0.2422 days, or almost six hours per year. After 100 years, this calendar would be more than 24 days ahead of the season (tropical year), which is not desirable or accurate. It is desirable to align the calendar with the seasons and to make any difference as insignificant as possible.

    By adding a leap year approximately every fourth year, the difference between the calendar and the seasons can be reduced significantly, and the calendar will align with the seasons much more accurately.

    (The term "day" is used to mean "solar day"–which is the mean time between two transits of the sun across the meridian of the observer.)


    In the Gregorian calendar currently in use worldwide (except perhaps the Russian and Iranian calendars), there is a leap year every year divisible by four except for years which are both divisible by 100 and not divisible by 400. Therefore, the year 2000 will be a leap year, but the years 1700, 1800, and 1900 were not. The complete list of leap years in the first half of the 21st century is therefore 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020, 2024, 2028, 2032, 2036, 2040, 2044, and 2048.

    The extra rule involving centuries is an additional correction to make up for the fact that one extra day every four years is slightly too much correction ( ). This scheme results in the vernal equinox gradually shifting its date between March 19 and 21, being shifted once every leap year, and then being abruptly shifted in non-leap centuries (see figure above).

    In the Gregorian calendar, 97 years out of every 400 are leap years, giving the total number of days in 400 years as

    The leap year was introduced in the Julian calendar in 46 BC. However, around 10 BC, it was found that the priests in charge of computing the calendar had been adding leap years every three years instead of the four decreed by Caesar (Vardi 1991, p. 239). As a result of this error, no more leap years were added until 8 AD. Leap years were therefore 45 BC, 42 BC, 39 BC, 36 BC, 33 BC, 30 BC, 27 BC, 24 BC, 21 BC, 18 BC, 15 BC, 12 BC, 9 BC, 8 AD, 12 AD, and every fourth year thereafter (Tøndering), until the Gregorian calendar was introduced (resulting in skipping three out of every four centuries). The UNIX command cal incorrectly lists 4 AD as a leap year (Vardi 1991).

  15. the average day is 23 hours 56 mins 4.096 secs -

    leap year: A leap year (or intercalary year) is a year containing one or more extra days (or, in the case of lunisolar calendars, an extra month) in order to keep the calendar year synchronised with the astronomical or seasonal year. For example, in the Gregorian calendar, February would have 29 days in a leap year instead of the usual 28 - and consequently, the whole year would last 366 days instead of the common 365. Because seasons and astronomical events do not repeat at an exact number of full days, a calendar which had the same number of days in each year would, over time, drift with respect to the event it was supposed to track. By occasionally inserting (or intercalating) an additional day or month into the year, the drift can be corrected. A year which is not a leap year is called a common year.

    In the Gregorian calendar, the current standard calendar in most of the world, most years whose division by 4 equals an integer are leap years. In one leap year, the month of February has 29 days instead of 28. Adding an extra day to the calendar every four years compensates for the fact that a solar year is almost 6 hours longer than 365 days.

    However, some exceptions to this rule are required since the duration of a solar year is slightly less than 365.25 days. Years which are evenly divisible by 100 are not leap years, unless they are also evenly divisible by 400, in which case they are leap years.[1][2] For example, 1600 and 2000 were leap years, but 1700, 1800 and 1900 were not. Similarly, 2100, 2200, 2300, 2500, 2600, 2700, 2900, and 3000 will not be leap years, but 2400 and 2800 will be. By this rule, the average number of days per year will be 365 + 1/4 − 1/100 + 1/400 = 365.2425, which is 365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes, and 12 seconds.

    The Gregorian calendar was designed to keep the vernal equinox on or close to March 21, so that the date of Easter (celebrated on the Sunday after the 14th day of the Moon that falls on or after 21 March) remains correct with respect to the vernal equinox.[3] The vernal equinox year is about 365.242374 days long (and increasing), whereas the average year length of the Gregorian calendar is 365.2425.

    The marginal difference of 0.000125 days means that in around 8,000 years, the calendar will be about one day behind where it is now. But in 8,000 years, the length of the vernal equinox year will have changed by an amount which cannot be accurately predicted (see below). Therefore, the current Gregorian calendar suffices for practical purposes, and Herschel's correction (making 4000 AD not a leap year) will probably not be necessary.

  16. 23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds on average.


    Happy Hour at the bar

    Hour of Power on the Christian network

    Witching Hour which is actually 3 hours

    The Magic Hour, failed talk show with Magic Johnson

    Banker's Hours, 10 - 4 with a 3 hour lunch break and a few coffee breaks

    hmm, that's all I can think of.  Looks like the answer to your question would be 12+/- depending if you have either hard working bankers or generous bar tenders.

  17. Where I work, never enough

  18. way to-o-o few for the amount of stuff I need to get done...and wa-a-a-y too many that get spent at work!

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