
How many hours before you go to bed should you stop eating?

by  |  earlier

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I've heard you shouldn't eat anything for 2hrs before you go to bed when you are trying to lose weight.




  1. I've heard 2 hours too.

  2. Eat right before you go to bed.  When you sleep your body goes into a catabolic state which causes your metabolism to slow down, and you will burn fewer calories the next day.  If you eat right before you go to bed, your metabolism will be higher the next day and you'll burn more calories overall.

    The best things to eat are slow digesting protiens like eggs or cottage cheese.  But make sure you don't eat too much, and not sugar.  You don't want to create an insulin spike which will store those calories as fat.

  3. stop right after dinner..stop on the night snacks, and right after dinner dont lie down like sit for an hour so your food in like in your stomach fuller. so have dinner around like at 5-6? dont lie down right an hour to your stuff..then you can go to bed.. :)

  4. Don't listen to the myth that is constantly being told, that, "eating after 7 p.m. makes you fat", or "eating before bed makes you fat".

    That's a common myth. There's no valid, scientific evidence to prove it, and if anyone wants to try and prove me wrong, go ahead. The only correct recommendation is that your carbohydrate intake should be lower during the nighttime.

    Best of luck!

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