
How many hours do you have to stay in school to receive credit for the day?

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Because my son told me his stomach hurt, but it's his 2nd day of kindergarten and he didn't want to go to start with so I took him, but I also just found out driving home that all my sister-in-law's kids have a bad stomach bug today so should I go get him now even though it's the 2nd day? I'm thinking about waiting until he can get full credit as well, but then I'm thinking if all her kids are puking their heads off that he will be doing the same soon.




  1. I'd wait until he actually gets sick.  Pre-emptively taking him out of school when there's nothing wrong with him doesn't make much sense.

    I think it depends on the school, in terms of "getting credit" for the day.  I doubt this matters a whole lot in kindergarten, anyway.  In my school district, they don't start with limits on absenses until middle school.

    I believe for things like state aid, the school has to take attendance and the students need to be there for at least two hours--at least, it's something like that in NY State where I live and have worked in schools.

  2. Depending on what time school starts...Usually...after 11;30 It counts as a full day

  3. Its like 1130-12...If he is sick i wouldnt worry so much about him getting credit for the day.

  4. He's in kindergarten, don't stress about it.

  5. I'd let him finish the day, unless the school calls you. If he still complains tomorrow, then I would let him stay home.

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