
How many hours do you need to be an airline pilot?

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Help me please i interested!!! thanks for your help.






    emery riddle in daytona bch., fl is one of the best aeronautical  schools.

  2. What kind of plane do you want to fly?  It takes abot 40 hrs of air and 40 hrs of ground to get your license for a cessna 152, then you have to go to twin engine and then become instrument rated then you can go on to bigger planes, it takes about 2 yrs to become a commercial pilot.

  3. Most regional airlines want about 1500 hours with a lot of muti time 500-1000

  4. If you're talking about actually getting a job, it will all depend upon the number of qualified applicants out there. If there are a bunch of guys with ATPs and 7000 hours total time, 2 or 3 type ratings in transport category aircraft looking for jobs, they'll have a better go of it that the guy with 2500 hours and 500 hours multiengine. As the supply of more highly qualified guys dries up, they'll accept lower time and different quality of time.

    Right now with some airlines having already shut their doors, there are higher time guys out there with whom you'll have to compete. Don't let it discourage you though.

    Your persistence can help even the playing field a bit.

  5. Some air carriers hire pilots with less than a thousand hours.  --Commuters and cargo operations.

  6. Most Airline's require 1500 ( Trust me its unlikely to get hired with 1500 hours.)

    Some other airlines require 2500 (again you usually want more)

    While some regional airlines only require 500-1000 ( AND again you usually want more.)

  7. you need a total of 5,000 hours. unless coming straight from the military and you only need to re-issue your license


    Go here and call the office in Vero Beach Fla.  Talk to a guy named Johnny Walker.  he will get you squared away.  Hes a great guy and will help you out a lot.

  9. wy  do you want  to know ?

    no me la haces salvatrucho

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