
How many hours do you sleep during Ramadan?

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  1. i cant sleep, because at 5 the d**n imam screams from the mosque on his d**n loudspeaker

    if murder was legal i will shoot the motherfuker imam

  2. I always think I'm going to sleep more, but I actually end up sleeping less. I feel as if I have to snack lightly throughout the night, and then midnight rolls around and I'm munching on grapes. And then I have to wake up early. While I don't like eating anything that early, my husband does, so I have to fix him something (unless I want him to have a catastrophe in the kithen, I fix the food) and then I certainly can't sleep after that, I'm way too awake. And then the fast begins!

    EDIT: And also, my husband is the opposite. He sleeps as much as possible, and tries to take the late shift so he can sleep more. But he prefers night shift, so that he sleeps during the day, and doesn't feel the hunger. But I don'tthink his "fast" counts that way, does it. Anyway, Im just telling the truth!

  3. About 8 hours at night......I usually have school the next day so the big meal in the evening helps me go to sleep.

  4. I usually get about 8 hours a night.

  5. 5 to 6  all year round

  6. 8 or 9 hours

  7. Salam Nimmy

    If I have nothing to do in the morning, then I usually sleep around 2 at night and then wake up for sahar in like 2-3 hours again. after having sehri and praying, reading Quran n all, I go to bed again and sleep for another 5-6 hours.

    when I have some work in the morning, then i sleep at 12-1 wake up for sahar and dont sleep later at all~!

  8. I think I get less sleep in Ramadan.  I might go to sleep at usual time around midnight but wake up earlier than usual for suhoor.  Once I awake, I won't go back to bed.  No chance for naps during the weekdays either.  Sometimes on the weekend I might take a nap during the day but not always since I have errands and whatnot to take care of during the day.

  9. Less hours since I go to sleep pretty late and then in the Morning have to wake up early again!

    But Insha'Allah I hope this Ramadan it will be different as I have more free time since Uni does not start till January!  

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