
How many hours do you spend on commuting every day?

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I spend two hours to get to work and back.

Do you drive or take public transport?




  1. About one and a half: 45 minutes each direction.

  2. i get 30 minutes going to school by car and 30 minutes also going back home by car too. n_n

  3. Depending on if I hit rush hour or not, I usually spend between 2h40m and 5h00m a day commuting. Gotta love having to drive 166 miles a day.

  4. I travel 45km each way to work by car, its around 45 mins. Taking public transport is not practical would take 2/3hrs

  5. 10 minutes round trip - i walk or ride a bike...

  6. i live in houston texas. one of the worst cities for piblic transport.

    many years ago i took bus, rode 2 hours each way, 5 days a week, plus had to walk 1 mile to the nearst stop to my home. it took 3 buss to go 20 miles across town.

    now i like in suburd, drive 26 miles one way to work. i work at night so against traffic i give myself 1 hour to get there. im usually early. goin home in morning same thing, agaimnst traffic 1 hour.

    but if you have to go in the mornig its a nightmare, 5 lanes of all stop and go, takes 2-3 hours sometimes, plus the drivers here are crazy, dont obey signs or cant read them?

    i see alot of car crash victims in my job as a nurse. on a ward of 40 petients, 25 or 30 are related to auto accidents. someof  these people will never recover.

    so the best advice i can give to anyone is always wear your seatbeat. and if you got a helmet. heck, put that on too. it'll be goofy looking but it might save your life.

  7. When I work at Job #1 about 5 minutes there, 5 minutes back.

    When I work at Job #2 about 10 minutes there, but I drive all day, and 10 minutes back.

    I have a pretty free schedule, so I won't do that everyday.

    I have a car, the city that I live in doesn't even have public transportation.

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