
How many hours is 1275 minutes?

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How many hours is 1275 minutes?




  1. 21 hours and 15 minutes. that is if you use the standard 60 minute hour.

  2. 21hrs and 15mins...............easy peasy

  3. 1275 divided by 60 = 2 points for me. 21 25 mins

  4. 21.25 hours

  5. 21 hours and 25 minutes

  6. Correct answer is 1275/60 = 21 hours and 15 minutes

  7. 2 hours and 15 mins.

    I just wanted the extra 2 points :)

  8. 1275 minutes / 60 (1 hour) = 21hour and 15 minutes The answer that have come up with 21.25 have got .25 which is 1/4 of 1 hour or 15 min's

  9. It's not just Rem N who's thick. 100 minutes in an hour?

  10. 21 hrs, 25 minutes

    Dumb idjuts. Thumbs down for correct answer? get a life.

  11. 1275 / 60 = 21.25

    0.25 of an hour is 15 minutes.

    21 hours and 15 minutes.

  12. Rem N are you thick?

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