
How many hours is the average number for volleyball tryouts?

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My friends and I've had volleyball tryouts this week and we wondering where our tryouts fit in. Our grand total of hours is 23, which has been cut down from 26. Is this the average number of hours for volleyball tryouts?




  1. We have 13 hours altogether. Well, 8 if you don't make it past initial cuts.  

  2. I haven't gotten our practice schedule this year, but the way our "tryouts" work is that everyone participates in the conditioning which lasts throughout August (started yesterday). At the end of the conditioning you know if you're on the team.

    We'll have 13 days of conditioning for approximately 3 hours each day, so we'll have about 36 hours of tryouts.

    As for the average number of hours tryouts take I would say it's at least 10 hours and no more than 40 hours. So the average would be approximately 20. The reason that the volleyball tryouts are generally longer than tryouts for other sports is in part due to the amount of dedication required in volleyball. I know that yesterday cross-country had 3 hour tryouts and they found out whether or not they made the team right after the tryouts.

    Volleyball is different though, because it's very much a team sport that requires dedication and potential. For coaches to see whether or not you have everything it takes, they will have to thoroughly examine you during tryouts.

    Hope that helps.

  3. For our school we have 1 hour in the morning of conditioning then 2 hours of tryouts, so we have 15 hours total.

  4. i think it is toooo much, but that is probably because i was there, haha, i guess it does make sense that the coaches need to look at us in all positions and how we interact, that is a huge part of what determines how good a player is and if they are coachable or not.

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