
How many hours of pool should you practice?

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I go to college and work on campus. I try to get about 2 hours every day. Should I practice more or maybe even less




  1. That depends entirely on what you want to do with your game.  It's nearly impossible to make a career out of it so you should try keeping that in mind, especially if you're paying table-time in a poolroom.

    To get better, it's not so much about the amount of practice-time you put in but the quality of work you do when you DO practice.  When I'm gearing up for a tournament, I usually try to get about 15-20 hours in per week but can easily sustain my game playing less than 5 hours per week.

    Just remember, what you can get out of pool is virtually trivial.  There is very little money to be won/earned from the game.  You should play because you enjoy it and allow progress to be a natural consequence.

  2. if you want to get good, as much as you can afford.  if you can spend 4 there, go for it, but don't keep doing it just to do it, keep interested in it, if you get bored the time spent is worthless.  always keep it interesting, changing up games is a good way.

    when I was playing tournament pool, I'd play 4 hours a day, minimum.  usually more like 6-8 including various local tournys as well as state.  on a day when I was in a ranked tourny, I could play 10 hrs easy between matches and practice time.

    bottom line give it what you can as long as you're enjoying it.

    good luck,


  3. Like the posters before me said, it just depends on what you want to get out of it. If your just playing for fun, like playing with your buddies or in a league or something then 2 hours a day is plenty. If your planning on getting really serious , trying to go pro , then you will need a professional coach and at least 6 to 8 hours a day of quality practice time. By quality practice time i mean working on the things that need worked on and not just going through the motions. A lot of players will neglect the things that are hard for them to do because it's no fun to fail at something. I'd say take 1 of your 2 hours of practice time and work on getting a good break shot ( most important shot in a lot of games ) and working on banks , kicks , jump shots , position play or anything else that you have trouble with.Then when game time comes around you will be more confident in your ability and confidence is a really big part of this game.  No matter what you do have a good time , stay down and follow through. Good luck to ya.

  4. The best advice is:  always play someone better than will inspire you to play up to their level. Practice? That would depend on your goals. Bragging rights? Making a bit of money? becoming pro? Two hours is not enough if you plan to go pro.

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