
How many hours of the day would you have to be on here to get to level 4 after only 3 to 4 weeks?

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How many hours of the day would you have to be on here to get to level 4 after only 3 to 4 weeks?




  1. depends on how lenghty and detailed your answers are, short and sweet is your best bet to minimize the time on here.  plus who cares about the points do something productive with your life

  2. All of them - it took me a year to get to level 4 and for the first 3 months or so I was compulsive at it.

  3. You'd have to be a very sad billy no mates!

  4. eager c#nt

  5. i'd be tough because they limit your answering abilities when you join. if you did that, you must have had some good answers!

  6. basically all of them and because level 1 and 2 have max amounts of questions you can answer, you'd have to get some best answer points as well

  7. You obviously know that there are those who spend all their waking hours here.

  8. go onto any category and vote on the undecided questions,each day until your daily limit,not sure what the points is i think its about 30to50 each day,as u get one point for each question you answer

  9. you have a limited amount of answers per day. If you answer all your limit questions (in about 30mins a day) that's of course short not-too-good answers, then you'll be lvl 4 in 3 weeks. you can spend 10hrs or 10mins and still accomplish the same thing.

    Anyhow. Dumb question really.

    Also, it depends on whether you're voted best answer or not. Obviously you won't vote me... but that's fine.

  10. This has to be a trick question coz I sleep a lot.

  11. Constantly, but as you know there are question limits. You can only answer so many questions per a day.

    40 questions - first levels

    60 questions - higher levels

    80 questions - Level 4

    I can't remember the precised amounts and guessing would be wrong, so you'd have to check out the leaderboard for more information.

    I will often go from Yahoo answers to another site, then back and forth to it throughout the day and night, I have a laptop and will often spend from 12 Midnight to 3AM on the internet.

    Also, throughout the day.

    But the good thing about Y.A, is that if you only want to answer 1 question, then you can, it's still something, and you gain points.


  12. How many hours a week do you have to be on here to keep up to date with all your multiple IDs?

  13. i been here from january and i'm not there yet.

  14. not as long as some may think. all you have to do is not ask lots of questions. answer to the limit of the time and vote. one point for voting you know and strangley it gives you more points available from level one up than you can get by answering.

    so my advice is don't ask questions, answer to the limit all the time and then do the vote. then you get there real fast.

  15. Not as many as when you're racking in some bonus points.

  16. How fast can you type?

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