
How many hours per day is the average light bulb on?

by  |  earlier

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I am trying to figure out how many hours the average light bulb is left on per day. It can also be per month or per year




  1. 1142 hours per year or 3.13 hours per day.

  2. 12 hours

  3. My guess would be about 4 hours. Maybe double that in the far northern areas of the world.

  4. 24 or 12 hours

  5. I'd say about 0.5 hours per day for the slobs who are too lazy to turn the lights out. People who care about their energy bill eve less. Many bulbs are seldom used. Take those in the attic of basement. Not counting Christmas lights I counted 42 bulbs are in my home. None are presently on. Can you imagine your refrigerator or oven being open even one hour per day? How about the bulb on your garage door opener?

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