
How many hours per week do you study for math ?

by  |  earlier

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When I was in high school, I had to about 2 hours of math homework a night. Now days high schools don't give much homework anymore.




  1. a

  2. maybe 2 or 3

  3. lol 0

  4. hey :)

    well, as little as possible but iusually get at least two pieces of math homework a week, if it's difficult it can take about an hour to finish, others i do in a few minutes.

  5. Who studies for math, what a gimp

  6. I don't study I just practice out problems if I didn't understand in class I'll just do some from the textbook and then check my answers in the back. I think homework should be given out for practice and tests should be material from the homework. But I usually get all the steps and how to do it during class during notes and then when I'm doing homework and I don't get it I check in the book cause' I trust the book more then my notes. The book explains why and how to do a problem I like detail answers and explanations.  

  7. Well considering that I'm a math student, that means that all my hours are spent doing math.  So that's many :-)

  8. Im doing a degree in it! I got 67% in my first year, and I went to 6 one hour lectures a week. That was it. So 6 hours.


  10. I would suggest that MOST of the work ought to be done in class.

    Homework may then be given as an occasional top up and to see if students can work on their own.

    It is a question of striking a balance beteen school and life outwith school.

    If a student is having difficulty with a topic , the student may then CHOOSE to do work at home to consolidate school work.

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