
How many hours should a 9th grader study?

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I am 14 in the 9th grade math is really hard and it is my worst subject and in order to go to 9th grade I have to pass math,biology and literature I can do geography but in order to go to tenth grade I really want to pass I know I have to pay attention and study and do my homework before I do my homework I'm suppose to study how many hours should a 9th grader study?




  1. Study like an 1 hour day for a week before a test. When I was in 9th I didn't study at all and now I'm stuck making up classes instead of classes I wanted to.

  2. Usually 3 hours a night for me.

  3. about a half an hour on each subject every night

  4. don't study relax

    haha you'll pass

    maybe not the most ambitious idea, but its my opinion

  5. You should study at least 15-20 minutes on each subject ;)

  6. I only study on the day before the test and even then I only do it like say 90% of the time. Ok but let me get serious, you should study for a long as you need to- Once you are able to recite the information from memory you have studied enough. Everyone is different. Some need to study more then others.

  7. hmmm around 2-4 hours maybe....? idk really. but im in 9th grade too :)

    yay for work. (ick)

  8. at least an hour and a half to 1:45.  

  9. It depends on the student, I know some students that dont study at all, and they maintain 4.0 GPAs, and but studying is a misnomer. It does nothing. You need to do things such as practice with match problems that weren't assigned as homework, redo old problems, and so on.

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