
How many hours should a normal 15 month old be sleeping?

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How many hours should a normal 15 month old be sleeping?




  1. our 14 month old sleeps 12-13 hours at night and has 2 -1 hour naps. she often sleeps through the night.  knock on wood.

  2. 11-13 hours with a 1-2 hour nap

  3. HA, my doctor sayd 8-12 hours a night with one day time nap - my 20 month old doesn't even sleep through the night yet - he wakes up 3-5 times a night.  Every kid is different and they will sleep what they need to sleep.

  4. my 15 month old sleeps from 8/8:30pm to 7:30/8 am(sometimes longer but not usually) and takes a nap everyday for ususally 1-2 hours.  I don't know if its normal but thats our routine and it works

  5. As much as the baby wants as long as he/she is still eating and gain weight

  6. I'm not to sure about 15 months but my 11 almost 12 month old sleeps from 8:30pm to sometimes 11am! Plus she takes about a 1-2 hour nap in the afternoon!  I've heard from numerous people that it's because their little bodies are growing a lot at that age and it actually tires the body. Also, when my daughter is teething she sleeps more. Hope it helps!

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