
How many hours should i sleep?

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right now its summer break so i go to bed anywhere from 11 30 to 2 in the morning (and my parents dont know im staying up that late)(they want me to go to bed at 9!). i usually wake up from 10 30 to noon. i think i am getting too much sleep cuz i am tired after i have 10 hr. of sleep. is that possible? and during school, my parents make me go to bed at 8 30 and wake up at 6, im not usually tired if i get on a routiene sleep schedule, but im 13, i dont think i need to go to bet at 8 30! what do you think? how should i ask them to stay up, what time, cuz they are really stubborn! i gett straight a's. please help! i have had the same bedtime since i was 5 years old. thank you in advance for your answers!




  1. You should sleep at least 8 hours. Personally, I have the unhealthy habit of going to bed at around 7:00-9:00am and not getting up until 2 or 3 in the afternoon. My brother calls me a vampire. I find it humorous. During the school year I typically sleep from midnight-6:30am.

  2. 6-8 hours

  3. 8:30 is too early to go to sleep even on a school night, I'd try to convience them to let you stay up to 9:30 and progressively work your way up to 11 on a school night.

  4. I think you should ask if you can stay up til 10pm. Set an alarm or have one of them wake you around 9 30 am.

    Good luck with this!

  5. i am up all nite so i sleep all day but when it is time for school i have to get back in to a i read to make myself sleepy. and u should get 11 hours but i get 9 hours

  6. u need at least 8 hrs of sleep!

  7. For teenagers, nine hours is about right. (Eight is for adults. Six is too few even for adults... you'll function fine but it'll wear you down after a while.)

    In addition, teenagers biologically have trouble getting to sleep in the evening and have real difficulty getting up early in the morning. They naturally sleep a later cycle. It'll only get worse ;) But it's not your fault. Check the link for more info....

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