
How many houses do you own?

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How many houses do you own?




  1. It's none of your business.

  2. One Barely... It shows why McCain can't relate to us.

  3. I'll let my staff get back to you on that one.

    -John McCain

  4. 10 my own and 9 rental properties I own more than the kerrys!!

  5. one at the moment.  would love to have more.

  6. More than one, but why do you care?

  7. Just the one.  

  8. None. Still Can't afford it on 2 full time incomes. We rent.

  9. Two. We bought one just before the market began to sputter, but couldn't sell the Condo in time.

    Um, anybody wanna buy a condo?

  10. 0, but I we are getting close to buying one and it would be much easier to get one if Obama didn't get elected and decide to unfairly tax the wealthy

  11. Struggling just to own one and make ends meet.  Plus I have a college education and a good job.  But I will have to consult with McCain's aids just to makes sure I don't own any more.  Meanwhile, McCain's solution to my problem is to not take a vacation......thanks, John.  Glad I am busting my butt just to make ends meet.  Great solution to the problem.  I hope someone asks him how many cars he has next, he might actually have a brain aneurysm trying to figure that one out.

  12. I rent but does that make me "out of touch" with the homeless and unable to have any compassion for them?

  13. Zero.

    I'm in an apartment.

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