
How many houses in worcester, worcestershire, United Kingdom?

by Guest10896  |  earlier

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i am posting leaflets and need to know how many to get printed





  1. The UK is England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland altogether,

    Worcester/Worccestershire is in England,

    Are you one of those people who only calls England, the UK?

    50,000 i would have thought.

  2. LOL about 100, 000


    Clever, mine was a very rough (extremely rough) guestimate, just knew that it was more than I'd want to print leaflets for!

  3. 2001 census, the latest year available:

    40,120 individual households filled in a census form in Worcester.  The figures are further sub-divided into detached, semi-detached, terraced, flats, etc., but that is a basic ball-park figure for the Worcester Local Authority area.

    Seven years on, you'd need to up that figure a tad.  My guess now is about 45,000, but you might as well make it a nice round number destroy a few more trees and go for 50,000.

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