
How many ideas are there in a second???????

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How many ideas do you have in your mind in a second??????




  1. Last time I counted, 73

  2. A lot but you only focus on one at a time.

  3. probably 2 per second cuz my mind is always wandering if i am not focused on something

  4. 1

  5. The human brain has approximately one hundred billion neurons. At any one time they are either firing or not firing, so the total number of instantaneous thoughts is 2^(10^11); the neural state can oscillate at up to 30 Hz, although adjacent glial cells can modulate that frequency. There are about one trillion glial cells, so that adds a factor of 30!*10^12. So I have 30!*10^12*2^(10^11) thoughts in my mind per second.

  6. it has to be an amazingly high number, i mean, we can save ourselfs from humiliation, just by thinking something over in less then .5 seconds.

  7. 69

  8. I'd say that depends on the person. It'd be interesting to study that, if you could somehow.

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