
How many illegal immigrants are there in the United States?

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How many illegal immigrants are there in the United States?




  1. Like one poster said, "one is too many" and I totally agree. We have borders for a reason and American tax payers can not take every person under their wing to raise.

  2. Not enough!

    The baby boomers are retiring and we need illegals to help pay for their retirement checks. The taxes they pay and never collect, stays in the SS system, and help pay for these retirement checks. The more we have here, the better chances of everybody receiving a check.

  3. 20 million, give or take a few

    1 is too many

  4. TOO d**n, MANY!!

    The (Census Bureau) say 12/13 Million BUT, the Actual amount is OVER 20 MILLION!

    Besides Obama wanting to give 'them' FREE MEDICAL (while You and I have to pay for Benefits) there is also 'Rumblings' that the Democrats (Reed & Pelosi and GANG) want to "GIVE" them SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS!!!!!

    Social Security benefits FROM WHERE.....the S. S. Dept is already in trouble....and they want to give MORE of it's/our Future  money away to FREELOADERS!!

    Democrats, be DAMNED!!

  5. That number cannot be known. The illegal aliens tend not to identify themselves, unless they use fraudulent ID(a federal crime).

  6. The census bureau does not ask if someone is illegal.  They only ask where someone wass born and if not the US or territory, when they arrived in the US and are they a citizen.  Everyone is assumed to be here legally.  Therefore, the illegal immigrant population can only be wildly estimated.  Estimates run from 10 to 35 million.

    Pablo - check your education and incarceration costs.  It costs at least $15,000 /year for most illegal alien students because almost all need spec ed.  Very few make it past the 10th grade so there is little ROI for our $15,000.  

    Your prison count is correct but each prisoner costs $30,000/yr  average.  In CA it's $50,000.  MS is $13,000.  Unfortunately almost half are imprisoned in CA.

    Otherwise - it looks good---very useful.

  7. If Native Americans are legal, and the indiginous people of what is now called Canada, United States, Mexico etc were or are nomadic, how can one government or another label them legal or illegal.

    Not to compare people with animals in a negative way, but do we worry about which deer are Americans or not?  Birds?  Elk?  Does it matter, really, when a person crosses an imaginary line in the sand?

    Geographic bounds and laws were imposed far after the people were already here, moving all along the north and south american continents.

  8. all of them

  9. Our goverment SAYS 13 MILLION.

    They lie, so I say 26 million.

    300,000 left Arizona when we passed new hiring laws.

    Using just that number:15 million.

    Then you Mr. O who wants to give them rights and health care which we Americans need!

  10. does it matter

  11. 12 to 13 million.all of which obama wants to give free health care.

  12. 21,650,787

    that is a counter that refreshes every second

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