
How many illegal immigrants will use Operation Scheduled Departure to leave US?

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New immigration strategy

Rather than risk getting caught, turn yourselves in.

That's the latest government strategy in its ongoing effort to dramatically reduce the nation's ballooning population of illegal immigrants.

Scheduled to be unveiled next week, it was announced Sunday by Julie Myers, director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, in an interview with a Spanish-language television network.

Myers told the network that "Operation Scheduled Departure" will allow illegal immigrants without criminal records a chance to literally "self-deport" by turning themselves in to her agents.




  1. use common sense dude?  if it was u who was here illegally and working us the usa and making 500 times as much as where u originally came from.  would u deport urself that easy?   be honest now.  

    if u ask me..i would say i would deport myself...not until I make at least $ 50,000 more us dollars.    but on the other hand, i'm a us citizen.  

    advised tot he illegals....quik dig up a 200 feet hold and hide! fir your life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  yeee haaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

  2. they need to deport that Julie  Myers  to  Mars

  3. Excellent--with the economy the way it is, they need to leave. US citizens will want their jobs back, especially young people.


  4. If they are smart all Illegals will try to get the free ride home. If not then when the next wave of anti-illegal alien enforcement hits and they start micro-chipping them there will be problems. I understand the new chips are small enough that they are carried in the blood to an internal organ and can be picked up at over 500 feet away. Life span is supposed to be 10 years and if you are caught with in USA borders with chip then you are in real trouble. Some people are pushing for life without parole.

  5. None...

  6. I doubt very many at all will use it.

  7. Probably a few older illegals that are not working anymore might take advantage of the free ride. Most illegals already here paid quite a bit in money, effort and risk to make it here. They won't leave without being departed.

    They did an immigration raid at a Hispanic furniture store in the area last week. I knew some people who worked there. 2/3 of the workers were illegal. None are being deported, but they did lose their jobs. So, if any US Citizen or legal alien with work permit who want to sell furniture or deliver or do credit approvals or collections in the south Los Angeles area, contact me and I'll send you their contact information. But you must speak fluent Spanish because all of the customers speak Spanish.

    Personally, I wouldn't do any of those jobs. Salesmen, some make good money, but their lifestyles are tough and the mentality doesn't lend itself to long-term wealth growth. Delivering big pieces of furniture for $10 an hour is not for me either. I would rather sit in front of a computer and make 5 times as much. Collections... well, you don't have a good day doing collections.

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