
How many illegitamate children did King Henry VII have?

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I know he had one illegitamate son, but was wondering if he had any more. My little sister is doing a project on him at school.




  1. Only 1 illegitimate child has been mentioned I think. Attributed to a lady of Breton.

  2. I take it you Henry the Eighth and his six wives? From what I have read he had three children Mary I or known as Mary Tudor who was a staunch Roman Catholic and briefly returned England to Catholic rule. Mary I was not a healthy woman and suffered two false pregnancies and died of ovarian cancer on 17 November 1558. Henry also had a son Edward VI of England 12 October 1537 died 1553. His other daughter we all know as Elizabeth I of England The Virgin Queen we all know her history. Not sure about them being illegitimate but I hope this helps.

  3. Who knows?  How could we know?  How could HE know?

  4. 4 or 5 abou as many as Thomas Jefferson

  5. Queen Elizabeth1st, known as the b*****d Child.

  6. probably upwards of 40

  7. Just the one I believe

  8. Henry had one illegitimate child that he formally recognised as his own by former mistress Elizabeth Blount. The boy was called Henry FitzRoy, and who was later created the Duke of Richmond and Somerset.

    It is rumoured that Mary Boleyn's first child was fathered by the King but it was never formally recognised as such.

    Both the princess Mary and the princess Elizabeth were considered illegitimate children due to dispute over their mothers marriages to the King. Mary was considered to be illegitimate because Henry's marriage to Katherine was not considered valid because Katherine was formally married to Henry's brother Edward leviticus it says 'and if a man shall take his brother's wife, it is an unclean thing: he hath uncovered his brother's nakedness; they shall be childless.' meaning that they lived in sin. Elizabeth on the other hand was considered a b*****d simply because the king decided to over look his marriage to Anne.

    Ok, hope this helps!

  9. Henry fathered five or six illegitimate children, depending on whether Henry Carey, the son of Mary Boleyn was Henry VIII's natural child.  

    Discounting Elizabeth, daughter of Anne Boleyn, and Mary, daughter of Katherine of Aragon, whom Henry declared to be b******s at various times during his reign, Henry only acknowledged one illegitimate child, Henry Fitzroy, Duke of Richmond and Somerset (15 Jun 1519 - Jun 1536), the son of Elizabeth Bount.  Historians, however, note the existence of five other possible illegitimate children, although they also acknowledge that he may have fathered others.

    Henry VIII reputedly sired two children with Mary Boleyn, Anne Boleyn's sister:

    ---Catherine Carey: (c. 1525 - 15 Jan 1568) m. Sir Francis Knollys, had issue.

    ---Henry Carey (Baron Hunsdon): 4 Mar 1526 - 23 Jul 1596) m. Ann Morgan in 1545, had issue.  Historians are the least sure about Henry of all possible descendants of Henry VIII.

    Henry also supposedly fathered two sons by Mary Berkeley:

    ---Sir Thomas Stucley (c. 1524 - 4 Aug 1578) m. Anne Curtis, had issue.

    ---Sir John Perrot (c. 1527 - Sep 1592) m. Ann Cheyney and Jane Pruet, had issue

    Finally, he possibly fathered a daughter by Joan Dyngley:

    Etheldreda Malte  (1529 - aft. 1555) m.  John Harrington 1546-48, no issue

  10. This is a tough question. Henry VIII of England had one illegitimate son Henry Fitzroy, Duke of Richmond and Somerset by Elizabeth Blount. However, there were five reputed illegitimate offspring since there are no evidence to suggest they were sired by Henry. These illegitimate offspring were:

    - Catherine Carey and Henry Carey, Baron Hunsdon by Mary Boleyn

    - Sir Thomas Stucley and Sir John Perrot by Mary Berkeley

    - Etheldreda Malte by Joan Dyngley

    For a period of time, both Princess Mary and Princess Elizabeth Tudor were declared illegitimate after the fall of their mothers, even though they were both born "legitimate" as royal princesses.  

    After the divorce, Queen Catherine lost the dignity of being queen and was demoted to Princess Dowager of Wales (a title she would have held as the widow of Arthur). Mary in turn was deemed illegitimate and her place in the line of succession transferred to her half-sister, the future Elizabeth I, daughter of Anne Boleyn. She was also now styled "Lady Mary" rather than princess due to her illegitimate status.

    Elizabeth, who was nearly three years old when her mother, Queen Anne was executed, was declared illegitimate and lost the title of princess.

  11. You probably mean Henry VIII, as there is no surviving evidence of extra-marital activity for his father. If you scroll down to ISSUE, you see the officially acknowledged ones plus one or two other likely candidates!

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