
How many images of Imam Ali & Hussein does the average shia buy in their lifetime?

by Guest65566  |  earlier

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Selling portraits of the 'divinely-guided imams' seems to be a viable business in shia countries: ttp://




  1. not as much as how much wahabis buy their explosives ;)

  2. GROW UP!!

    I am Sunni Imam whom is also great grand son of AL- Hasan & al- Housain r aa

    relax, insults is not the way of Muslims

    he who believes in Allah and the Day After: shall say good or, stay quiet


    من كان يؤمن بالله و اليوم الأخر فليقل خيراً أوفليصمت

  3. I don't have one picture/image of any of the Imams in my house. We don't even know what they looked like.  

  4. Lets hope the sunni don't start making Images, cause they will start making images of Allah, as you can see from their answers, they think, Allah looks like us. lol

    as you can see here;... lol

    i love my sense of humor don't you?

    Oh i forgot do you have a d***o?

    'Ulama Legitimised the Use of a Dildoe (female s*x toys)

    After this ingenious fatwa, Ibn Qayyim then goes on to make permissible the use of a dildoe by women. It is only logical; when the husbands leave to go m********e and spread Islam by the sword, they need something to do with themselves. On the same page as quoted above, Ibn Qayyim writes:

    "If a woman does not have a husband, and her lust becomes strong, then some of our scholars say: It is permissible for the woman to take an akranbij, which is a piece of leather worked until it becomes shaped like a p***s, and insert it in herself. She may also use a cucumber".

    Now, according to Dr. Salamah's logic, the Saudi government should therefore purchase a large number of such dildoes, and distribute them to old widows or otherwise unattractive women who cannot marry. Since anything that is permissible, according to Dr. Salamah, requires stand sanction and support, than clearly a dildoe distribution office needs to be immediately established in the great Islamic state of Saudi Arabia.


    Shall i ship a container to SAUDIA?

  5. get a f* ckin life man

    those arnt pictures  of imam ali (as) or hussain (as)

  6. As many as they feel like buying . .

  7. I find this very contradictory to Islam...Because we aren't supposed to immitate allah's creations.  

  8. I am shia I don't have any picture of

    Imam Ali(AS)

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