
How many in the wedding party?

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So i just got engaged =) and now when even THINKING about the planning..i want some opinions please.

how many bridesmaids? and vice versa...

would it look normal to have my maid of honer..and 2 bridesmaids?

and its deep red and black to dark for a wedding?

im not gothic or anything..but I LOVED the color theme of Carmen Electra and Dave Navarro





  1. Yes, you can have black and red. That was the color of my wedding and it looked BEAUTIFUL! Our candles were red with black table clothes and it came out wonderful. Very romantic. and my bridesmaids had black dresses with red sashes. They LOVED the fact that they can wear black since it's so slimming.

    you can have as many bridesmaids as you want and groomsmen. Don't be scared to have an uneven number of bridesmaids and groomsmen.

    Good luck!  

  2. I'm just having my best friend as a maid of honor and my near cousin a bridesmaid. The normal rule of thumb is 1 attendent per 50 guests.

  3. You want to have the people that mean the most to you.  My experience is that younger brides tend to have more attendants than older brides.  I only had my cousin and my sister in law and then one flower girl (+30 bride).  And you do not necessarily have to have even amounts on either side; again, it has to be who is important to you.

    The dress color sounds awesome!  The nice thing with a color dress (I used a dark purple) is that your bouquets can have more greenery to accent the flowers they do have and they won't be as expensive as they would be if your dresses were green (the greenery wouldn't show up as well).  

    Good luck to you in your planning!

  4. Maid of honor and two bridesmaids is a good ammount maybe hav 3 bridesmaids instead and black and red is a beautiful combonation have the bridesmaid dresses red ur gown white and black tuxes with red ties for the guys fot the reception hall hav black tableclothes with red and white roses :D Good luck

  5. I'm having no wedding party, my best friend and brother are the witnesses but thats it.  

    Two cents on the colours - Shanna Moalker's wedding dress was unbelievable (I think if you pick really bold colours your dress has to be fantastic, a simple dress will be over-whelmed by otherwise bold choices)

  6. My fiance and I have 6 attendants each, so 6 guys and 6 girls.

    Some people react as though that is a lot, lol, but who cares. Those were the people who are important to us!

    Our wedding colors are black, red, and white, because I hate colors with dumb names like "rose pink" and "mint green", haha.

    Done right, with a balance of the three colors, it is very possible to make your wedding look classy and classic, and not at all goth.

  7. You can have as many or few people as you want in your wedding.  You normally want the same amount of bridesmaids as grooms men.  Also for the colors I went to a wedding that had deep red and black as  there  colors and it looked beautiful.  They also added little touches of  white so it didn't look to dark.

  8. You can have however many you want.

    We had 1 best man, 1 maid of honor, 2 groomsmen, 1 bridesmaid and 2 flowergirls.  I originally had 2 bridesmaid, but one got pregnant and didn't feel comfortable walking down the aisle at 8 1/2 months.  :) It was lopsided but I didn't care.

  9. That's exactly what I had!  I had two bridesmaids, one maid of honor and the flower girl/ring bearer.  It was perfect.  I think the smaller it is the better!  We didn't want to stretch on any of the people...only wanted people very close to us... perfect #!

  10. i'm not having any b/c it's a destination wedding and i'm only having 9 guests. good luck and congrats on the engagement.

    please answer mine

  11. how big is your wedding going to be? If you are only having 50 - 60 people I'd stick with no more than 3 birdes maids and no more than 3 groomsmen.  If it's going to be 150-200 people h**l go with 10 on each side and it still won't look to big (although that IS big. lol)

    OMG! I am with you on the electra wedding.  Wasn't it gorgeous?  If it suits you go for it.  Be careful though because those colours can go from very classy to very goth easily.  it's a thin line.  but I like the idea.

  12. Congrats!!

    Now you can have as many bridesmaids as you want.  It is your day!

    And red and black are nice colors.  Your wedding is YOURS because you do what YOU want.  The day is yours because of your personal style and personality.  Your guests will love your ideas because they love you two.


  13. You can have whatever you's your wedding. I'm having 2 Matrons of Honor, 4 bridesmaids, a jr. bridesmaid and a flower girl. As for the guys...there will be 2 best men, 5 groomsman and ring bearer. And my girls dresses are dark red.

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