
How many inches of fish can live in a 25 gallon tank?

by  |  earlier

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The measurements are 24 x 12 x 20. Supposedly you do it by surface area of the water but that confuses me lol




  1. 25 inches. It is a inch of fish per gallon.

    Hope I helped.

  2. same size tank as me :) you can have 25 inches of fish. Many only 15 inches of goldfish as they are dirty and grow faster. Many people withh say 1 goldfish per 10 gallons but this is NOT true at all according to my vet. So 25 inches of tropical fish and 15 inches of goldfish should be perfect. Good luck with your tank x x x  

  3. Well at least you are looking into the footprint value which is considerbly more then I can say I've seen in other questions simply looking at gallons.  The fact of the matter is, it's more then just gallons and footprint alone.  I know this is going to sound confusing but bear with me.

    Not only do you have your footprint, but you need to also consider your stock in terms of O2 consumption, levels of occupation they normally inhabit, and aggression factors.  This will serve you ten times better then looking only at waste production and gallons.  Waste production to a large degree can be compensated and coped with by extra filtration in most cases.

    In order to get an idea of how much of what you can put in, it would be more helpful to know, just what exactly are you looking at putting in?  25 gallons has more ability to support a medium to large sized community then more people would even realize that answer on here, or even realize.  In this case with this input, it's going to greatly depend on just what fish you want to put in.  I'll be happy to advise further if you can give me an idea of what you are looking to keep in the tank.

    Either way you'll want to have the tank mature and cycled out before really stocking it up.

  4. the rule is not an inch per gallon

    it is 2 to 3 gallons per inch so about

    about 15 inches or less

  5. If only it was that simple....

    Trying to apply any rule that relies on the length of the fish will generally lead you astray. People will tell you that 1" per gallon is the gospel. But you cant put a 12" Oscar in your tank, but it could actually support about 50 tiny 1" fish.

    So how many actual fish can you keep?

    Small species like guppies or neons, no problem with keeping around 25 of them, medium size fish, reduce the numbers, If you get up to fish around 6" long you only have space for 2 or 3 of them.

    Remember the  tank needs to cycle before it can support a full population of fish, and needs to be well filtered and get regular water changes if you push the amount of fish.


  6. You cant put a 25 in fish in a 25 gallon tank, you can put only small fish in there and then maybe only about 15 in of fish. Whoever and whatever made up that stupid inch of fish rule should be banned from ever talking about fish again it just doent work. Dont belive me ? Try and keep a full grow 14 inch goldfish in that 25 gallon and see what happens. Your best bet is to use common sense, if it looks like you have too many fish in there you do. If your fish cant turn around in the tank without hittin the wall they dont have enough room. In a 25 gallon o would only put a few 3-4 fish that get 3-4 in and that would work fine.  

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