
How many infants are gonna ask some stupid question about Jr. just so they can bash him today?

by  |  earlier

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Why can't they just worry about why their momma didn't love them enough, and daddy loved them too much?




  1. Part of the thrill is the drama between fans.  Bashing is like bad bump drafting, the harder ya hit the more retaliation you can expect back.

  2. Infants wouldnt even have to bash him.. Just follow him around, he does a good enough job bashing himself.

  3. Can't count that high.LOL

  4. Probably too many.

    That's why there is a report abuse button.

    If it is offensive, sexually suggestive, ranting or ANY other violation of the User Agreement, then report it and move on.

    Ahhhhhh I feel MUCH better now.

  5. compared to kyle questions none i dont bash jr never will hes not a jack@$$ that crashes almost ever race s long as he dosent efect my driver i dont care

  6. I'm almost positive infants can't type, and even if they could, I seriously doubt they'd be able to form words..

    Not much Jr. bashing tonight, just some identity theft..

  7. at least one.

  8. i see your in the stupid question about jr group

  9. Not me...Go JR.

  10. I'm not sure, but I don't think ranting for ranting's sake is cool on this forum.

  11. I can tell its my bedtime.

    it is 3.12 am my time and this place is crawling with trolls.

    But to answer the question, I'll say at least 2.

  12. Are you calling me an infant?  I asked a question about Al Unser, Jr.!

  13. Look, here's another one. How ironic

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