
How many infants can a MN family day care provider with two...?

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full time staff legally care for? Not sure if it depends on the state, but we're wondering about Minnesota. Also - define "infant" - what is that age range? Thanks for your help!




  1. Depends on the license.  You could have 5 providers and still only be able to take the same as someone with 1 provider  Mine's a C-2 because I'm teacher-qualified, but I can take only 1 infant (younger than 1 year). A C-3 license (for 2 providers at a time) allows for 3 infants max.  A D license (2 providers) allows for 4 infants.  Most people are only an "A" license and can have only 2 infants.  Providers are required to post their license in a visible location and it will have the class on it.  Check out "Rule 2," Minnesota's Rule 9502 for childcare providers.

    In summary, here are the licensing capacties:

    A    =  10 total; max 6 under school age, and 2 infants

    B-1 =  5 total; max 3 under school age, and 3 infants

    B-2 =  6 total; max 4 under school age, and 2 infants

    C-1 = 10 total; max 8 under school age, and 2 infants

    C-2 = 12 total; max 10 under school age, and 1 infant

    C-3 = 14 total; max 10 under school age, and 3 infants

    D    =  7 total; max 4 infants (this is the "Specialized Infant/Toddler Care" license requiring 2 providers)

    Not sure if you're looking for a provider or questioning your current one, but I wish you luck either way.  If you have questions, you can contact your county's human services department and ask for childcare licensing.   Hope this answers your question!

    Hollee Saville

    Licensed Childcare Provider

    Happee Hollee's Childcare

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