
How many insults does it take to make an egomaniac admit that he's a scumbag?

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thank you chris P,that was enlightening




  1. 9

  2. Insults are not the tactic you should be employing if enlightenment is what you seek. A well crafted argument based on facts is infinitely more effective. Insults just equate to the lowest common denominator and will never be well received by anyone, egomaniac or not.

  3. a true ego maniac wouldn't respond to insults.

  4. Depends.  An insult from a moron has no signficance at all.  An insult from a respected person has more significance, but egomaniacs don't respect anyone.  It the egomaniac eventually came to BELIEVE he was a scumbag, he still could not admit it because he is an egomaniac.

  5. I wouldn't expect insults to be effective at all. They never are.

  6. In my experience an egomanic will never admit he's a scumbag- I've been trying for years with one in my family- insults worked just as badly as saying I wouldn't judge him but just to admit the scummy things he'd done so everyone could move forward. He's still a compulsive liar- I just ignore him and cut him out of my life. (on a side note- he's my father. He still seems to genuinely be able to claim that he loves me but won't sacrifice admitting he's wrong to make our relationship work. If a father won't drop his pride to see his only daughter who he actually wants to see, I don't know how much luck you'll have with YOUR egomaniac.)

    If he loves himself enough or thinks highly enough of himself to be classified as an egomaniac, he is already slightly out of touch with reality (if not grossly- I don't know the situation). A person that is not running by your logic will not respond to it. On another note, people can justify doing almost anything to themselves if they have to- some people talk themselves round in so many circles they don't even remember the truth anymore and have lost touch with the proportion of the situation. In this case they won't even believe they're wrong anymore- much less admit it.

    All I can say is that there are very few people that can admit that they're a scumbag- least of all when under attack (ie. the insults). I think its even less likely that an egomaniac of all people would ever make such an admission. You're fighting a losing battle- It would take a lifetime of insults and you'd still get nowhere.

  7. It's not the quantity of insults that matters. It is the quality. One good one can destroy someone for life. Do you really want to destroy someone though? That would make YOU the scumbag.

  8. You seem pretty sure of yourself, are you sure that he''s the egomaniac?  It usually only takes one from under the table.

  9. Once a scumbag....always a scumbag.  Choose your friends more wisly.

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