
How many issues in Ultimate Spiderman?

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I wanna know how many issues are in the comic Ultimate Spiderman since today's date. Thanks




  1. Grand Comics Database show covers for "Ultimate Spider-Man" up to issue #125, but #124 and #125 have no date yet and the August issue is #123, which is also the last issue with a contents listing and creator credits. I think there have been one hundred and twenty-three issue of "Ultimate Spider-Man" to date, with issue #124 due to come out in the next few weeks and solicitations for dealers for the month of October having been sent out or due to be sent out in the next week. There was a time when all comics were dated two to three months ahead (DC used to release a lot of comics with Christmas cover that were on sale during the holidays and those books were cover dated February or February-March for the bi-monthly books. Marvel made an effort about five years ago to have their cover dates actually match the on sale dates, and I believe they're still published cover dates that match on sales dates. Apparently, if the "Ultimate Spider-Man" title were to be canceled tomorrow, there would still be two more issue to come because one has been printed and the other one will have been ordered by too many comics shops and small distributors to kill it.

    Anyway, I feel safe in saying that there have been one hundred and twenty-three issues distributed to today's date.  

  2. Ultimate Spider-Man #125 was just released on Aug. 27th which is the last one to come out so far.  There are also two Annuals, the "1/2" issue and the Ultimate Spider-Man Super Special.  Issue 126 is scheduled to be released on Sept. 24th.

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