
How many kickers are on an american football team?

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How many kickers are on an american football team?




  1. 2 at the most. they usually dont have a back up but sometimes.

  2. There are really three kicking position, kickoff specialist, field goal kicker, and a punter.  Most teams combine the kickoff specialist and field goal kicker though.

  3. Usually there are one. But sometimes there are two.

  4. One PLACE KICKER and One PUNTER, so two technically. I mean what is a PUNTER if he isn't  a Kicker? Some apparently since that only the PK is a kicker. I say a punt is a form of kick so it should be included.

  5. 1, there are no back-ups carried, if a kicker happens to get injured during a game the punter will take over

  6. 1 except in pre season when they carry a backup for those four games and the starting kicker only gets in for about two kicks because they dont want the kicker to get injured

  7. usually there is 1.... but in the preseason they usually have 2 guys competing for the job unless they already have a good kicker

  8. Well... They have one main and one backup. but they also have standbys that really never see the field... but accidents do happen and they need to be prepared jake...

  9. Just 1

  10. 1 or 2.

  11. 1 usually, maybe 2 sometimes

    hope i helped!

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