
How many kids and how old?

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How many kids do you all have or are expecting?


How old are you mommies??

I'm 23 and my husband and I are having our second in march and we have a 7 month old son. I am done after my second.




  1. i will be 27 in a few weeks and hubby is 32  we have a 9 month old son and having been TTC #2 for 4 months.

    We are also foster parents and had two girls ages 4 and 6 who went back to their family in Jan of this year.  We are currently doing  respite care  for 3 children ages 1,3,and 4.    

  2. I'm 27 with an 8 yr. old boy, 2 yr. old girl, & baby #3 due Jan. 29!!!

  3. I am 24 I Have an 11 month old Daughter.and i am about 13 weeks pregnant! my husband and i want 4. but after we have this one we are waiting a couple years so i can finish college..both of my kids were planned closely and yes i know about the year thing!

  4. I have 2 children.1 boy who  just turned 7  and 1 girl who is 3 weeks,and I Im 27.

  5. I have a 3 year old son and another soon to arrive in 3 months (it's a girl!!).  

    I am 33 right now.  Had my son 11 days after my 30th b-day...which is exactly how we planned it.  We were married for almost 5 years before he was born.  Timing for us was perfect!!

    I have a girlfriend who is 29 and has 4 kids...ages 8 down to 1 year.  Depends on the person!!

    Not sure if we are done, right now I would like more...but ask me after she arrives and we are dealing with two!!  LOL!!

  6. We hav a 3yr old and a 2month old. Im 22 hubby 21

  7. I have three children, they are ages 10 years, 8 years, and 10 months.  I just celebrated my 30th birthday.  I hope to have more children, biologically and/or adopted.

  8. I'm 25 and I'm expecting my first in October.  In about 2-4 years we hope to have another one, and that's it.

  9. WoW - you all are just babies (to me anyway).  My kiddos are 9 and 2 and I am almost 42!!

  10. I am 30 years old and my husband is 37 and we have 3 kids total

  11. I'm 12 years old! Have twin baby girls... Just gave birth 2 months ago =]  

  12. I was 16 when I had my son and now i'm 19 (20 very soon) and TTC #2. I might be young but it works out for us perfectly. When the next baby *hopefully* will be born I will have my nursing degree. We are getting married Fall of '09!

    I already know i'll get thumbs down... oh well! I love being a young mommy!

  13. I am 21 and i have a 21 month old son. my husband wants another one soon but i dont know if im up for it just yet.

  14. I have a 3 yr and 19 mo old girls. We want to start trying for the final one (hopefully a boy) next spring. Want there to be a bit more space between the last ones.

    I'm 25 and my hubby is 27 that. I want to be done before I'm the big 30. That would put us at 27 and 29 when the final one comes.  

  15. Holy c** guys are making me feel ollllllllllllld. This is what happens when you wait until you are 30 to have your first baby. Of course when I 'planned' my life in my head when I was your age I 'planned' to be DONE at 30, not just starting! Oh well, sometimes life happens to get in the way of our best made plans I guess. ;) For me, I wouldn't have it any other way.

    I have a 4 (nearly 5) year old, a 3 year old and am due in about a month with my third and final baby. My birthday is about a week before I'm due so I'm technically considered 'Advanced Maternal Age' (read: Old Fogie Having a Baby) which I never thought I would qualify for!!!

    We were done having kids after two but after selling all of our baby gear and having a change of heart we decided a third would complete our family and couldn't be more excited to welcome this baby into our family.

    Fun question, I love reading all the other responses!!

  16. I'm 24, soon to be 25.  I have a 7yr.old son, almost 5yr. old daughter, almost 4yr. old son, 10month old son, and I am 4months pregnant.  Yes, I started young.  I got pregnant with my first at 16, had him at 17.  I was on birth control with my last 4.  Getting tubes tied after I have this one.

  17. I am 32 and I have a 3 1/2 year old and a 8 month old and my Husband and I are finished having children we are blessed by God with what we have.  It took 7 years for our first and no time for our second a boy and a girl.

  18. I am 23 and my husband is 24. We currently have two boys. Our oldest is 22 months and our youngest is 3 months. Our boys are 19 months and 2 days apart. We have our hands full, but they are so worth it. We are planning to try for our third child in March of 09 and I want a total of 5 children!

  19. I'm turning 35 this month. My husband is 42. We have 4 boys, ages 6, 5, 3 and 18months. I had a tubal ligation after my 3rd child. My husband had a vasectomy 4 months ago and I just found out I'm pregnant again. I thought we were finally done, but I guess not.

  20. We have 3.  A 6-year-old girl, a 2.5-year-old boy, and an almost 11-month-old girl.  I'm 21.  I want to have 7.

  21. I'm 35. I have a 10 yr old and a 4 yr old. I was done, too, after my second.

  22. I am 28, my partner is 25, and our kids are 8, 7, 5, 3, 2, and 15 months.  We adopted a sibling group.

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