
How many kids can foster parents keep at a time? are there any rules for someone to become foster parent?

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Read this...Girl, 12, 'left to die without food' (AAP)

A 12-year-old girl was left without food or water to die in the backyard of her foster home, delirious with pain and unable to move, a court has heard.



When the girl refused, Reynolds would "smack her leg with a stick".

"(The child) was unable to stand unassisted and when she was forced to she would just fall to the ground," Mr Coates said during opening submissions.

"When assistance was not forthcoming to help her to the toilet she would urinate and defecate in her clothes where she lay."

"Mr Coates said social workers who visited the three-bedroom Palmerston home - which housed 17 people - the day before the death found the child lying on the kitchen floor crying.

When she was told to have a shower she struggled to walk and had to use the walls for support.

Is it for money the people become foster parents? i am literally crying when i am writing this. Don't you think govt. should do something?




  1. Its is criminal I live in  darwin and this is not the first time they good foster parents out there get a bad name because of low life like this that use it as a bussiness  the kids are the last to be proteced by the cpa

  2. I got paid $13 per day for my first foster child.  He was 5. His parents were both in jail.  He was so sweet but he was so sad.  I got $12 per day for an 11 month old whose mother had fractured his skull.  I picked him up at 4am at the Emergency Room.  I couldn't believe that i could be given a child with a skull fracture. He recovered fully.

    Each state has a different limit on the number of kids.

  3. It's amazing in this day and age that this sort of thing is still happening. You think in the last few months of the amount of child neglect cases that have come out in the open - the twins in Sunnybank, the case in Adelaide. Unfortunately it's not just Foster parents.

    Yes the Governement should be doing something about it - so should the social workers, and the police and the general community.

    This is what makes me so mad - I was a teenage mother and critisied to h**l and back for it, but I love my kids more than life itself and would never ever ever contemplate treating them like that............

    Society is *ucked.

  4. The number of kids varies state by state.  Foster parents are supposed to be checked out up and down.  I've heard that it is very difficult to become foster parents, but unfortunately this type of story is a common one.   Just like with anything some do it for the right reasons and others just do it for the paycheck.  The gov't definitely should do something more, but I am afraid that people will always slip through the cracks of the system.  The best hope for these kids is that these cracks become smaller and that the screening process becomes even more thorough.  No child should be subjected to these awful situations.

  5. I just asked a question about this exact same story.  I was in tears reading it too.  When I became licensed to be a foster parent, I did the training, police checks etc, and quite a lot of paperwork.  I can't help thinking that surely SOMETHING must have come up on these people?  Since then though, I hardly have any contact at all with my children's case worker (especially when I need to talk to her).

    The number of children you can foster is variable, depending on your own ability, room etc.

    I don't know how many people foster for the money, I like to think not many but I just don't know.  Here in Australia, for general foster care you only get the same amount of money as any other parent would get for family allowance, which doesn't pay for everything the children need, let alone give you a profit.  There's bound to be some people making money out of it though.

    And what the h**l was that social worker doing leaving that girl there the day before she died?   I just can't believe that these cases keep happening.  Doesn't anybody see something, where were the girls teachers?  Where was her case worker?  It makes me so angry that the most vulnerable children, who've already been through so much, are out there in a living h**l and nobody is stopping it.

    I just hope there is a very special place in h**l waiting for those people.

  6. thats a very serious crime she should get done proper its so sad.

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