
How many kids can you adopt at once?

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How many kids can you adopt at once?




  1. Only one at a time . Then you can try again I think after a year or two .

  2. My teacher just adopted 4 at once, but they were foreign quadruplets. As long as you can afford it, there's usually no issue if it's family

  3. Depends on where you adopt, in the foster care system and even some Foriegn orphanages they have siblings groups which can range from as few as 2 to as many as 10+. A few years ago they did a story on a couple who came to my area to adopt a siblings group of 9 and they already had 8 adopted children.

    Brazil will let people adopt  non siblings groups, as long as their from the same orphanage.

  4. About 5 billion.

  5. 3.7

  6. I believe the answer is one at a time, than after two years you can start the process again for a second.

  7. In most cases it's one child at a time, unless you're adopting a sibling group. There are a few countries that allow families to adopt two unrelated children at the same time (I know Ethiopia does), but many agencies will not allow it.

  8. A homeschooling mom that I know adopted a sibling group of five from foster care.

  9. As far as I know there is no official limit.  However, since home-studies must be done, if you're looking to adopt a dozen at a time, you'll probably not be considered as taking your parenting responsibility seriously.  

    I don't think anyone recommends adopting more than one child at a time unless it is in a sibling group.  The largest sibling group I've ever heard of being adopted at once had 7 children in it - but I suppose there could be more.  At any rate, I would definitely say one sibling group should be your limit.  

    However, there is a family in the US (California or Washington I think, but I can't remember) who have adopted more than 30 special needs children.  They didn't adopt them all at once, but they must have adopted more than one per year to get to that high a number.  Dateline did a special on them and it was very sweet actually.  In some ways you might think it was little better than an institution, and in ways their lives were not like those in a "standard household".  However, I've never seen an institution (not even the "good" ones in brochures) that seemed as loving and attentive as that home did, and they definitely had a family feel during the interviews.  Even if they were no more than a very very friendly institution, I have to admire anyone who dedicates themselves to giving a high quality of life to so many children that would likely never have found a permanent home otherwise.

  10. In foster care you can adopt sibling groups.  The biggest sibling group i've seen so far is 6 children.

  11. There are many laws which vary state to state.  Some places, if you adopt a child, you can't adopt a non-related child for a year.  In international adoption, from some countries, I've heard you can adopt more than 1 child, but I've never seen anyone get more than 2 at a time of non-related children.

    By adopting a sibling group, you can get as many as are related together, providing your home study shows you have the space, time, and resources available to support them.   Alabama has searches for up to 8 at a time.

  12. You can adopt a sibling group, which has no limit.  Otherwise, I've never actually known anybody who was able to adopt more than 3 at once.  It was an international adoption and the 3 unrelated boys had been together at the orphanage for some years. As the a-parent spoke their language, it was approved (I think the oldest was 8).

  13. in the states, you can adopt a sibling group. Your home-study agency will determine how many you want and how many you are able to afford.  International the most is usually 2 unrelated children, but there are some sibling groups available.

  14. Just one unless its a sibling group. My mom and her siblings were adopted together.

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