
How many kids do you have/ do you want to have total?

by Guest64726  |  earlier

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Just curious about how many kids people are wanting these days.

I want Minimum of 6 maximum of 10

but my ideal number is 8




  1. im almost 1/2 way through pregnancy # 1, and im getting fixed when im finished. i originally wanted 2, but the doctor told me a subsiquent pregnancy would degenerate my heart muscle and i would get very sick.  

  2. I am pregnant with our first and we would like to have 4 total.  We will take whatever God gives us, but ideally I would like 2 boys and 2 girls, spaced about 2 to 3 years apart.  We will see!

  3. i have one im pregnant 12 weeks 5 days with my second and i think i want one more in a few years! God bless you for wanting 8. i dont know if i could handle that but i think its wonderful that some people can  

  4. We have 2 boys, and we have not decided if this is it for us or if we want one more. I love kids, I'd have 10 if it was all up to me, but I have to take my husband into consideration! If we have one more that will be it for us, especally since I like to space my kids 4 or more years apart and that will make me 35 when we have another baby.  

  5. I ahve 1...with #2 on the way.  But that is all I want.

  6. I don't have any. But, I'd either like 3 or 6. I want 3 biologically and 3 adopted, but I am not sure if my partner will want adopted children, so that will have to be discussed.

  7. i have 1 and i want 3 more

  8. Well I have a son that is 3.  A baby girl due Oct. 31st. and I would like one more.  But I will wait until I am married to have my 3rd. lol

  9. I don't want any.  Kids are expensive.

  10. I am 5 months pregnant with my first, a baby boy & my husband and I want to have 3. Unless the first 3 or boys then I want to try for a girl on the 4th one but 4 will be the limit.

  11. I have none now...but if I could choose exactly...I would have 2 boys then a girl. Each about 2 years apart.

  12. I have two, pregnant with #3, and if this pregnancy is not twins, then maybe one more. So total of 4.

  13. i have three trying for number four to complete my family

  14. 3 is on the way any day now,  #4 is a maybe, but havent really decided. yet.  4 would be our max.

    I have a girl -6  a boy -4 and a girl to be.

  15. 4 i think. if god blessed me with that many.  

  16. I have 2 and that's what I wanted. 8? As long as you can afford them, go ahead.  

  17. I'm pregnant with baby #1, and I will likely stop there. Maybe we'll have one more, if I can talk my husband into it! But he was an only child, and wants our daughter to be the same. But I have a younger brother and sister, and I love it. But on the other hand, I have gestational diabetes, and had some heinous morning sickness, so I go back and forth!

  18. I am preggo with #5 (the oldest will be 7 when the next one comes).

    I may want a 6th, not sure.

    I know I want to be a surrogate for somebody tho

    Best of luck !  

  19. yikes that's alot of kids. I only want one.

  20. I am an only child and my hubby is one of 13...gotta meet him in the middle somewhere..LOL So I figured 4 was a good number for me. He will have as many as I want..I love that man! Being an only child pretty much sucked and you miss out on the sibling rivalry. It's hard to parents 2 kids when you don't understand why they love each other one minute and pound the c**p out of each other the next..LOL The feeling that there is someone out there who grew up with you, that has the same parents as you is cool.

    So far I have a girl 7 and a boy 5 and #3 on the way. I am always so sick, so I will have to think if I can handle that if I want another after this one. I was hoping there was 2 in there, but there is only one..LOL I would have been done if it was twins! Plus with 4 they all fit in my 7 seater van...

    One of my close friends has 8 kids, ages 2-13. They have one of those giant vans....It's great!

    Kids are so much fun!...and work! =)

  21. I have three right now, 2 boys and a girl.  I lost one last month too.  I don't know what the s*x of that one was b/c it was too early to tell.  I want to have one more but I don't care about the s*x.  I'll take either one so long as he/she is happy and healthy.

  22. I wanted 2 kids born far apart in age. I now have an almost 8 year old daughter, a 4 year old stepson and I'm pregnant with twins. These will be my last. Even if I wanted more, my health prevents me from doing it. If you can handle that many kids, right on. I know my limitations and would never attempt this. Some people are just not suited to it. That said, I'm very excited to be having twins and so is my husband (who incidentally also only wanted 2) and couldn't be happier about that. But I know the limits of my patience are going to be tested. I hope you get what you want. Good luck to you.

  23. I have none right now. But my ideal is to have 3 girls. The first 2 within a year apart then a few years till my last one so it would be the baby of the family more so with 2 several years older sisters.

    Alexis and Kaycie would be the oldest and not sure on another name for the last one.

  24. 3 but im working on popping out baby #1

  25. Growing up, I thought I'd like 6.  Now though, I'm thinking roughly 2.  I'd like one of each.  Our first will be a girl, and depending on how everything goes, perhaps a second and/or third. :)  

  26. i have two #1 is 7 and #2 is 9 days old and plan on having two more with in the next 2 to 4 years

  27. I have one on the way, no older kids yet.  I'm only 27.  I think I want two or three max.  I came from a family of six, and although my mother tried to provide for all of us and give us all the individual attention we needed, she ended up working all the time and not really developing a strong relationship with any of us.  She gets very sad about it sometimes, and I wouldn't want to feel like my kids were strangers as I grew older.

  28. 2 but max of 3..  We both want a boy and a girl.. so we'll see how it pans out.

  29. I have 4 right now...

    Jacob is 8

    Spencer is 4

    Sawyer is 3

    Cecelia is 1 TODAY!  (Happy birthday baby girl!)

    My hubby and I haven't decided if our family is complete yet.  We do know that we are not having any more for at least 4 more years...I got the Mirena IUC and have 4 years left on that.  When that time is over we will make our final decision.  I am leaning toward 1 or 2 more, but  that may change when it's time to talk about it again!  :)  I love my kids...they are my reason for life...what can be better!?!?

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