
How many kids do you people have how is your marriage going and what do u do for a job theese r my questions?

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please answer all of these questions




  1. I have three girls, 6, 3 and 2 years old.

    I'm in a stable relationship, but we're not married. We've been engaged for 5 years. Just haven't taken the marriage step yet. We love each other and are doing great.

    I am a web developer in Information Technology (IT).  

  2. I have one son and am pregnant with my second child.

    I am married and have been for eight years. My marriage is going great. I married my best friend.

    I work as a full-time journalist, but I work from home so I have more time with my son. I also write fiction as a second job and have finished my first novel.

  3. I have 2 children. ages 4 and 10 months. my husband and i have been married for 5 years. we have our arguments like any other couple, but most of the time we are great. some things we dont agree on when it comes to teaching our children, but we comprimise and find a solution. right now, my husband stays at home and watches the kids. i work at sonic at the moment...but will be going to basic training for the airforce in sept. will be in for 6 years.

  4. I have a 5 year old son and I'm 15 weeks pregnant.

    I've been married 7 years today actually and we're doing very well.  

    I'm a stay at home Mom.  

  5. I have three children and one on the way. I have been married for 10 years and our relationship is great right now but this is not full house. I am an accountant and he is a medical dispatcher

    And those are my answers

  6. I am expecting my third child. Our marriage is probably in the best place it has ever been. (Gotta love bedtimes and kids that sleep through the night) I am worried for the strains a third child may bring. I am a stay at home mother and my husband is a security officer at a bank.

  7. I have one child and trying for another, my marriage is absolutely fantastic in every way possible and i am working as an admin assistant in an event company.

  8. I have one child.

    I'm not married and his father is a deadbeat.

    And I work in accounting.

    Those are my answers.

  9. We have two children - third (and last) on the way!

    Our marriage is going very well although my husband is having a lot of stress at work at the moment and has to stay late often.

    I'm a lawyer, but currently I'm staying home and doing consulting work from home.

  10. we have a 3year old daughter and currently i am pregnant with child # 2. Marriage is ok. Its a work in progresss. Not bad but can be better. I work as an administrative assistant and go to school to finish up my BSN. He is looking for a job.

  11. i have 1 kid an 8 year old my marriage i am not married i am a massage therapist working at a dr. office  

  12. I have 3 children (ages 11 and 9 year old twins)

    my marriage is happy

    I make jewelry for a local jewelry store and I work per diem at a hospital

  13. We have 3 children, our marriage is good, and I am a stay at home mom!

  14. I have five children, ranging in ages from 19 to 9.  I have a very non-traditional marriage, and am very, very happy in it, and I work as a professor of history part time and full time as an archivist.

  15. I have two boys (eldest by my first "husband") and my actual marriage is incredible. We all (the real parents and the step parents) get along and work to providing both the boys w/a good life. I homestead and am an SAHM and my husband works at a car dealership.

  16. I have 2 children, a 3 year old girl, and a 14month old boy.

    I am a stay at home mom and my husband is a truck driver. We have a good marriage, has its good spots and its bad spots. we rarely fight but when we do its over something important.  

  17. I have 2 kids...marriage is very bad and I have no job and in desperate need of one...I go to school full time at night and will get my degree in about a yr if I can keep going to school full time...I have been married for 8yrs and have a 4yr old boy and 2yr old daughter and plan for no more children...

  18. I have 2 girls

    I've been with my husband for 6 years and married for one. And it's still going strong, better then ever.

    I'm a stay at home mom/housewife. I love every second of it.

  19. We have 3 toddlers.  Ages 3, 2 and 1.

    Our marriage is great.  Happily married for over 6 years.  He is currently deployed, but I think our marriage is getting stronger because of it.  We are finding new ways to stay connected and close to each other.  

    I am blessed enough to be a full-time stay-at-home mother.  I use to work in the medical field though prior to staying home with the kids.  Worked in geriatrics for 4 years.

  20. I have two step kids and two bio kids, three of them live with me full-time.  My husband is the father of all four kids and we have been married 12 years.  We own a small HVAC service company and I used to run the office from the house when the kids were young and now we have an office that I work at part-time, allowing me to be at home when the kids are out of school.  Best of both worlds.

  21. So far, my husband and I have been blessed with three children (ages 10 years, 8 years, and 10 months-two girls and a boy, with our son being the middle).

    I think we have a strong marriage, with ups and downs.  No marriage is going to ALWAYS be happy, and I think that the important thing is to enjoy the ups and be able to get through the downs.  Of course, a goal of more ups than downs is good.

    My husband is a Heavy Equipment Operator (backhoe, bulldozer, etc.) in construction (site work, not building).  I am a full time wife and mother-I homeschool my children, and I volunteer at the Center for Birds of Prey.

  22. I have 1 child (FIRST AND LAST)

    I am not with the father but best believe I get a check from his Deadbeat A** from child support every week!

    I do accounting and soon going to school for education. (Yes I want to be a teacher)

    How about you?  

  23. I am a research chemist, my marriage (8 years) is going great, and we have our 3rd child due in 6 weeks (we lost our first two -- twins -- due to premature delivery last year).  

  24. I have one 13 month old daughter. Her mother left and wants nothing to do with her, so I'm not married and never have been...I'm only fifteen. I bag groceries, but will probably get a better job when I turn sixteen.

  25. I have 4 kids and I am pregnant with twins

    I am not married

    I am a social worker

  26. We have 3 our 4th on the way, our marriage is at it's best, and he is a supervisor for a plastics company and I am a homemaker.

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