
How many kids do you people out their babysit?

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i babysit i family of 8 kids it is hard because i also have my own two kids.i babysit a 2 month,3 four year olds,1- 5 year old,2,-7 year olds,1-8 year old,1-10 year old, and one 12 year old what do you people babysit this is my biggest family and i get paid 100 dollars an hour i usually babysit them 15 hours a week.what do you do




  1. I don't babysit.  Maybe a friends kid once in awhile, but I don't really consider it babysitting as more fo a play date.

  2. In Maine an unlicensed caregiver can only watch 4 non-relative children at a time. So If you were doing that in Maine it would be illegal.

    Are you on here to brag about how much money you are making? Because 100 dollars an hour to watch those kids is ALOT.

    I used to work at a daycare and be alone with 6 2-3 year olds and twin 5 month olds. (very illegal) But is was a breeze and I only got paid 9 dollars and hour haha

    The 5 and 7 year olds should entertain themselves and the 8 and 10 year olds should be reading and entertaining themselves. 4 year olds love to paint and draw and make things, so crafts are easy to organize and a 2 month old is super easy, feed, burp, change butt... sleep.

  3. Wow! That's a whole bunch of kids to babysit! Good for you, keeping your sanity. I babysit three kids, two hours every day. 1-10 year old, 1-9 year old and 1-6 year old.'s 'out there' not 'out THEIR'.

  4. Licensed child care provider

    15 month old

    12 month old

    3 month old and i have my own 14 month old .lots of work .

  5. i own a preschool of 20-25 3-4 year olds

  6. I never babysit more than 6 at a time, because more than that is really too many to even keep track of. Also The law says that for daycares there should be 1adult for every 6 children.

  7. I usually baby-sit my brothers kids, he has one baby girl and a 4 year old boy. I usually baby sit them every Saturday or Sunday.

  8. i don't babysit at all. that sounds like a hand full

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