
How many kids do you want or have and what number of kids are just right and what number of kids is too many?

by Guest56821  |  earlier

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like for example 2or 3 kids just right

7 kids too many




  1. 2 kids max for me. After this one, I am done!!

    With overpopulation as well, I think we (in developed countries) should also take this into consideration. Having two is replacing you and your spouse. Having more than that is adding more people to the planet.  We may be able to provide for our child until they are an adult, but at what point will this planet/economy stop being able to provide for our children?

  2. 3 is perfect for our family. Any more than that is too much for us.

  3. We'll have 3 this December, and thats all we want.

    More than you can afford, or provide their own rooms for is too many in my book. Anything over 5-6 is too many. They only make 7-8 passenger vehicles...unless you get the huge tourist vans or something.

  4. 0 kids

    1 is too many

  5. I want 4....which will basically be 5 with my stepson too.

    and I think "just right" and "too much" really depends on the parent/parents.

    some people want a large family,

    others never want to be parents at all;

    it's just a personal preference.

  6. I have #4 coming in Oct.

    7 is too many - for me

  7. as many as i am blessed lol or cursed (at times) with

  8. my grandma had 14 and adopoted 1 i got 3 and still want more i dont know how many can u support on your salary is ultimately what the limit is

  9. more than two kids is too many. i have one kid, but would like one more when i can handle it right now i am having trouble balancing school and my son.

  10. i think that 2 kids is good and 6 too many.

    only children are often spoilt thats why i say 2.

    it depend on how many you can support.

  11. I had my first 22 yrs ago aged 18. The second will be twenty this year. Then I had a gap to the third who is now 13. Another gap to the fourth who is 9. The fifth is 8. Number six is 5, and I had number seven 5 months ago. And to think I never wanted any at all. I think after you have two or three the rest don't seem to be any more work, except financially. But I wont be having any more!

  12. I have always wanted 6, but currently only have one.  We have to adopt all of our kids so it will be a little harder than just having more.  I am not sure we will even be able to adopt more.  But I don't want my daughter to be an only child.  I think at least 2 kids is good so they at least have each other.  I am not sure how many is too many.  It depends on the family and what they want.  Also, it depends on how many you are suppose to have.  Sometimes when you think you are done another one comes along.

  13. 2 kids

    4 is too many

    i wouldnt mind 3 tho, as long as there was a girl and a boy in there somewhere

  14. i have 3 anymore mught be too many it all depends on the parent and the support that they have

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