
How many kids do you want to have?

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This is just a general question. :]




  1. I really want to atleast have four,but idk Maybe 5:)

  2. i have 1 daughter and 1 son im not sure if i want another one

  3. between two and five, i love kids:)

    plz answer my question!

  4. I'd like to have at least 2, although i wouldn't be against 3 if finances permit :)

  5. I'd like to have 2 or 3, but not all in one birth, I'd hate to have twins or whatever. I just want to pop out one baby at a time.

  6. I have two already, (from my previous marriage) With my new hubby, at least 2 more, he wants a litter!!!

  7. I have 3  children now.  We would like to have a few more!  We want a big family.  I only have 1 brother and my husband has 1 brother and his parents just adopted 2 children (6 and 5).  We want our kids to have lots of brothers and sisters!

  8. I already have two and another one one the way. id like to keep it at three but if another few come along so be it.

  9. two, a girl and a boy!!!

  10. As many as God gives me.

    I am getting married young, and will not use contraception other than natural family planning.

    I would like a lot ,though, as I was raised with a lot of siblings and thoroughly enjoyed it.  Like 7 maybe

  11. i would like to have 1 to 5 kids.

    it really doesnt matter how many i actually have or dont have.

  12. 1 or 2 :)

  13. I'd like to have 2.

    Preferbly girls, but whatever [=

  14. I have 5 siblings and loved always having someone around.  I am hoping to have 7,maybe more, maybe less, but I want a lot.  I would like at least one set of twins too. But I'll be happy with what I get.

  15. as many as god gives me

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