
How many kids is too much these days? I hope to start a family soon!?

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How many kids is too much these days? I hope to start a family soon!?




  1. 3 is a good #.

  2. i want 3

    originally i wanted 2 but if it wasnt for my parents having a 3rd kid i wouldnt have been born hehe

  3. I guess it is really up to you. Income should be a consideration you have to be sure that the money you make will support the children you want to have.

  4. That really depends on you and your partner.  For some people one is too many for others 10 is not enough.  It's a very personal decision.

  5. Thats a question only you and your wife can answer.  For some 1 is enough, others have 6.  As long as you can provide for them, have fun and babies!

  6. More than two kids is too much. Thats just my opinion. I have two boys ages 16 and 14 and have had both difficult times as well as wonderful times. I believe two is appropriate, then they have each other to spend time with, yet it is not too expensive for clothes, food and school supplies, etc. It is expensive enough, why have more than you can deal with. In my opinion, God made you have two hands, why not have one kid for each hand, then you won't have a third wandering around. Lol, just my own little theory that has worked for me for the past 16 years of my parenting experience. Also having them closer together in age, makes things a little easier to deal with, rather than spacing them out over the years. Why not get the child rearing years over all at once, unless of course you want to be parenting little ones forever. Just remember, once you become a parent, your life will change forever, no matter how old they are, you are always going to worry and to wonder if you were good enough as a parent. It comes with the territory of unconditional love. Good Luck and have fun with it.

  7. Go for six and enjoy them!

  8. you can never have too many!  if you want a large family, however, be prepared for high costs!  I have 4 children and my husband and I are not sure if we're done or not!

  9. one boy and one girl would be perfect. but average is 2-3. My dad has 6 and the "love" just doesn't go round like it should with all of them.

    To have one it would be spoiled. To have 2 they could be friends with equal 1/2  1/2 attention. 3 starts to get expensive

  10. I have 4, 1 was to much !!!! lol

  11. Have ONE. Sure, it'll be Spoiled. But it's ALSO more likely to be Happy, Well-Educated, and Successfull in Life. It will be Cheaper (& more cost effective) for you & your Wife... And You'll be doing the Environment a Favor- by not burdening it with " X" # of MORE- People... The World ALREADY has too many Humans swarming all over it... -Do You REALLY feed the NEED- to make a Major contribution TO it ??!  :0

  12. Average family has 2-3 kids

  13. My husband makes a very excellent amount of money so we can afford a lot of kids.

    We have 3 and are expecting triplets in December. We may try for one more after that. Although with our luck, we'll get pregnant with quadruplets.

    Everyone is different. Some will say 3 and others will say 14. There isn't a right or wrong answer, you just have to find yours.

  14. I think 4 kids are a good size.  This way you can get some government aid if needed.

  15. it all depends on how many you can afford.  with the price  of everything going up

  16. Two kids are perfect if you're lucky to get 1 girl and 1 boy, then stop.  Sometimes when people get 2 girls first, they try for a boy (and vice a versa).  And with 3 kids it gets really hard going to the stores and on vacation when they are small. Also, play dates are easier with people if you only have 2 kids that are close in age.

  17. if u can pay for their life health care  and diapers u can have them

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