
How many kids should we have?

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My husband and I live a decent life style. He has a great paying job and great health insurance. He has two kids (4 yo girl and 6 yo boy) from an old relationship and we have one together. Recently, he has suggested we let nature take its course as far as having kids. I am on the pill right now for another month (he cums in me now)and when im done with that he has suggested doing the natural planning method and pulling out on the fertile days to prolong it just a little while longer before he actually starts coming in me again. Our son is only 5 months old. Is it ok to have a lot of kids and let nature take its course? how many kids should we have? I really dont wanna be much over 35, 40 at oldest when im done (im 24). what do u think? Any suggestions?




  1. totallyme and my husband have 7 kids we let nature take its course and my husband has a great job and we live iin a beautiful house were rich

  2. Don't have more kids than you can afford to take care of?

    How ever many children you feel you two can comfortably raise and provide for is fine. It's really up to you two as to how many kids you want.

  3. Do what you feel in your heart is right.

    If you have doubts, you probably shouldn't do anything just yet. Wait until you're sure.

    But, know that whatever happens, happens.

    My parents planned on two, but ended up with five! My father is a teacher and my mother stays at home (with the five of us ages 16-6, I'm 15). And they haven't done too shabby. We live in a nice house and we have never gone hungry.

    Bottom line: Do what YOU want to do. When it comes to kids and family planning, there is no definate plan. All you can trust on is to do what you ultimately want to do.

    Good luck!

  4. i think if you guys can do it then ya do what you want but the only thing i have to say is wait atleast another year. You said your youngest is 5 months your body needs healing time. You can cause problems for you or the baby. My brother and I are 11 months apart my mom hemrogged with my sister who was born 2 years later and had health problems. My hubby and his brother are 10 months apart and his mom had problems with the second. Your uterus and the rest of your insides do need healing time in order for you to make sure you have a full and healthy pregnancy

  5. I'm 19, have an almost 2 yr old & a 2.5 mos old girls - Plan to have as many children as God lets me. Don't get too much money from working, but I want to feel that love - As for you, I would have as many as you can afford (emotionally, Physically, & money wise) space them out how you want and stop when you want - then you know how many you should have.... like if you had them every 2-3 years then you yourself would have maybe 4 kids + his other two

  6. well, maybe have 2 more, then you would have 5 all together, you don't want too many that you can not spend quality time with each of your children--you do not want each of your children to be just a number--you want them to mean something to you and your hubby--so i hope that helps and good luck!! (and you do not want to be pregnant either for the next 10 years---enjoy life)

  7. I think you should have 2 more. Then you would have 5. It's not too many kids but it's enough. And the cost is good for you. (:

  8. YOu are not the only one,I have ever met the similiar problem before.I have good experience here though.

  9. My thought is if you can handle and afford it the more the merrier.

    We have 5 and I would love a few more when the time comes.

  10. Wait for awhile. I am saying this because we change in life too. Look around at other things in life and give other things a chance and time in your life too. Maybe yr family could go on a long trip together and u will find other things that interest u beside having more children. I think that 24 is too young to have lots of kids and 35 sounds old to you now but you are a long way from 35. look how many peopl just start around 30  look at Jolie & Pitt -they r beginning around 30

  11. Be sure to tell your husband that the "pull out" method does not always work, as a matter of fact, seldom works. It's not a good birth control method. But you know, if the 2 of you (yes both of you, children, as you know, require much care and both parents need to be willing to give it their all) are willing to accept children from God, without reservation, then that's a great way to be. You are still young and how many children you have should be between you and your husband. I think it's great you are so willing to accept the children that God will put into your lives!

  12. how many kids is COMPLETY up to you and how many you can handle no one else can make that dission for you im sorry i cant help

  13. have 1095124-45401257803159768124   kids

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