
How many kids to you have, are having, or plan on having?

by  |  earlier

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I have 5 kids. Amberlie is 4, CamBrel is 2, and my triplets are 13days old (Jaxon, AJ, and Emmaline).




  1. Right now, I am pregnant with a baby boy.

    I am only 16, so I don't plan on having more kids SOON, but I do want more eventually. When I was little, I always dreamed of having four kids. I don't know if that will work out or not, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

  2. I have five kids.






    Children are truly a blessing and I would have 10 more if I didn't have to be pregnant and if adoption wasn't so expensive.

  3. Im due for my first in Sept. And im pretty sure this will be the one and only, your a strong woman for having so many.

  4. I have 1 boy Matthew (4) and 1 girl Brooklynn (1 on friday) This is what I always wanted a boy and girl. I am hoping I don't have anymore, but if I did I would be happy.

  5. i have two, daughter is 34 mths ( and dont i know it!!) my son is 23 weeks, i dont plan on having anymore, but who knows!!!

  6. We have 3 boys, 10, 4, and 2. Would love to have more but due to health issues we are done.

  7. Ok, baby is a moron. Don't listen to her.

    I have a 1 year old daughter named Lily (just turned 1 June 28th)

    I'm due with my second daughter Adalynn on the 28th of this month. They will be 13 months apart to the very day. I'm hoping for a 3rd (of course I hope to have a longer break than 4 months this time) but I need to talk my husband into it first. Congratulations on your triplets. You sure have your hands full.

  8. I have one boy, Johnny.

    He's all I plan on having! :)

  9. I have 3

    they are 11, 13, and 19

  10. I am only 15 and i want to have 5-8 kids! I know it's crazy but i love kids!

  11. I have 2 little girls. Shannon is 11 and Molly is 6.

  12. I have a son who is 8 (9 in Nov.) and daughter who is 4 (5 in Oct.) Both from my first marriage. Now my new hubby and I are trying for more. I say two more, he's not sure how many.

  13. We have three children. Daughters, Paige(6) and Mackenzie(2). Son, Nicholas(due 8-21). We are stopping after Nick is born!

  14. I have one child right now (4 1/2 months old) and my husband and I are planning on having probably 3 or 4. Wow, 5 kids, you're awesome! I'm really wanting to have another one already but I'm trying to wait a little bit.

  15. I have two Tatyana 3 years old and Vincent 10 months old - eleven months on July 10th!

  16. I have a boy due in 3 1/2 weeks (though I hope he comes sooner). Then I want 1 possibly 2 more. I think that 3 is the limit for me.

  17. I don't have any at the moment because I'm only 15 but when u do have kids i just want one.

    My brothers girlfriend is 13 weeks pregnant and they want to have 2 kids.

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